Shaping Orange County's Future 2003
Board of County Commissioners
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Shaping Orange County's Future 2003
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6/14/2016 12:18:38 PM
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6/14/2016 12:01:04 PM
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A Note from the County's Planning Depart- Land Use Element. The information gath- Economy <br /> ment ered in the SOCF report and its seven-year 4. Protect Water Resources—Watershed and <br /> Orange County is at a critical point in time. community outreach process has significantly Groundwater <br /> The growth in the region has been significant helped"shape"the eventual revisions to the 5. Traffic Reduction <br /> Land Use Element. Additionally,other corn- 6. Reduction of the Fiscal Impacts of <br /> and the County has recognized the need to <br /> proactively address the issues before experi- munity reports and committees,such as the Development <br /> encing the negative consequences that have Rural Character Study,the Water Resources 7. Hazard Mitigation-Reduction of <br /> already taken place in some of our neighboring Report,and the Comprehensive Plan Land Stormwater Runoff and Flooding <br /> counties. Orange County has a head start;the Use Committee(CPLUC),have contributed 8. Protection of Natural Areas/Wildlife <br /> SOCF project has been a great success and of- to the update. The next rational step is to use Corridors <br /> fers Orange County a number of creative ideas the ideas put forth by these citizen boards for 9. Reduction of Air Pollution <br /> the analysis and development of the final Land 10. Development Location and Type <br /> for effective growth management. Chapel Hill, <br /> Carrboro,Hillsborough,and Orange County Use Element of the County's Comprehensive 11. Economic Prosperity and Diversity <br /> have already begun incorporating many of the Plan. 12. Affordable Housing <br /> ideas the report put forth into their planning A particular example of citizen influence on 13. Preservation of Community Character <br /> efforts and several additional concepts are the Plan's development are the outcomes of Neighborhoods and Historical/Cultural <br /> currently being considered. Evidence of the the CPLUC. As a representative committee Features. <br /> SOCF report can be found in several recent of citizens formed to provide feedback and Following the identification of the GMGs,the <br /> planning projects such as the Chapel Hill direction on the update of the Land Use Ele- Committee worked to select potential growth <br /> Comprehensive Plan,2000;the Carrboro merit,the CPLUC was successful in identifying management tools(GMTs)from a comprehen- <br /> Vision 2020,2000;the Facilitated Small Area thirteen growth management goals(GMGs)for sive list of options for further study. Consis- <br /> Plan for Carrboro's Northern Study Area, the County. tent with the goals and recommendations put <br /> 1999;and the Hillsborough Vision 2010, 2000. 1. Efficient Provision of Public Services forth in the SOCF report,the tools were se- <br /> Orange County is presently in the process of 2. Protection of Rural Community Character lected and researched for potential implemen- <br /> updating the County's Comprehensive Plan 3. Preserve Farmland and Viable Local Farm tation by the County within its jurisdiction. <br /> Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance(APFO):A Hamlet: A rural configuration of houses,small tion with professional and technical assistance. <br /> zoning and/or land development regulation that commercial enterprises and community services, Sustainability:Development that meets the needs <br /> helps pace growth by synchronizing development developed in keeping with the current community of the present generation without compromising <br /> with the availability of public facilities needed to character. the ability of future generations to meet their <br /> support that development. Inclusionary Zoning:A mandatory or voluntary needs. <br /> Affordable Housing:Housing that can be technique applied to new housing developments Suburban Sprawl:The unmanaged and largely <br /> purchased at a cost between 2.5 to 3 times a in which a certain portion of the units being con- unplanned expansion of developed areas at a <br /> household's total annual income or rented for no structed is set aside to be affordable to low-and <br /> less-than-urban scale into corridors or areas of a <br /> more than 30%of total household income. moderate-income home buyers. rural nature. <br /> Auto-Limited Zones:Areas where pedestrian Multi-Use Community Centers:Community Transfer of Development Rights(TDR):A <br /> traffic and transit access is encouraged,and use of facilities,such as schools,libraries,and senior program that allows a parcel of land with unique i <br /> personal automobiles is likewise discouraged via centers,that are strategically and centrally located resources or constraints present(within a <br /> limited parking,narrow or"cobblestone"streets, within a community and thus serve as centers for "sending area")to transfer its share of expected <br /> or other measures. social interaction and gathering for community development potential to another property in a <br /> Carrying Capacity:The amount of development members. different location,where such development might <br /> the land and environment can support while Rural Areas:Areas in Orange County that lie out- be more practical because of location or proximity <br /> still maintaining adequate septic system and well side of municipal corporate limits,ETJs and/or to urban services(the"receiving area"). <br /> recharge functions. Transition Areas. Transition Areas:Areas that are in transition <br /> Community Visioning:A process through which Rural Buffer:Land adjacent to an Urban or Tran- from a rural land use pattern to a more-urban <br /> a community envisions the future it wants,and sition area which is rural in character and which pattern,and currently(or in the future)will have <br /> then plans how to achieve it. should remain rural,contain very low density access to urban services such as public water and <br /> Compact Mixed-Use(CMU)Developments: residential uses and not require urban services. sewer service. <br /> Development that would include housing,corn- Rural Character Report:Late 1980's-early 1990's Urban Sprawl:Unmanaged and largely un- <br /> mercial activities,civic and social components, study that examined the Rural Buffer and the ru- planned expansion of urban-scale land uses <br /> and light industry(where appropriate)and would ral areas of the County and discussed community and/or services into corridors or areas of a rural <br /> be located in areas best served by urban services. character preservation,agricultural protection, nature. <br /> open space,natural and visual resource protec- <br /> Extra-Territorial Jurisdictions(ETJs):Land Village:A small,unincorporated,self-contained <br /> outside of(but adjacent to)the corporate limits tion,and growth management for these areas. community of less than 200 acres,located inside <br /> of a municipality where the municipality exercises Small Area Plans:A land use plan for a small designated Transition Areas,that offers a mix <br /> land use planning and development permitting community or area that focuses on the communi- of residential,non-residential services and open <br /> authority.ETJs are often envisioned to become ty's needs and desires(while cognizant of overall space to meet the physical,social and economic <br /> part of the municipality's corporate limits in the comprehensive plans for the Town/County),and needs of the community. <br /> future. is developed by citizens from the area in conjunc- <br />
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