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<br /> • incorporating disaster preparedness edu- ing senior centers with integrated services der to maintain a quality standard of living,
<br /> cation into community programs. throughout the community,to providing Orange County must ensure that all citizens
<br /> tax and other financial incentives to seniors have adequate health choices.
<br /> i Goal 3:Suut,ort Seniors' Quality of Life and caretakers,to providing continuing
<br /> The high quality of life for citizens makes education programs and opportunities for SOCF has developed several recommenda-
<br /> Orange County an attractive retirement loca- this population. Strategies that can be used tions to consider when thinking about this
<br /> 4.1 tion for many seniors. If trends continue, include: goal. These include focusing local policies
<br /> more seniors are expected to relocate to the • researching the feasibility of allowing low and funds on creating a healthy environment
<br /> area,creating many opportunities and chal- to moderate income seniors to defer local and promoting healthy behaviors,evaluat-
<br /> lenges for the community. Orange County property taxes, ing the adequacy of facilities in northern
<br /> should work towards maintaining and • creating senior centers with a variety of Orange County, enhancing and encouraging
<br /> enhancing seniors'quality of life. services, and services for mental health and illnesses, and
<br /> • providing job training and educational encouraging the legislature and employer
<br /> SOCF suggests several recommendations to opportunities. to provide adequate coverage/funding for
<br /> attend to this goal,ranging from establish- health/mental health services. Strategies to
<br /> Goal 4:Promote Health and Mental be considered are:
<br /> it or Health • developing public awareness campaigns
<br /> w t r The old adage, "the best defense is a good for causes of preventable deaths,
<br /> f i ., offense,"translates in public health thinking providing education for healthy behaviors
<br /> h il i .'i' r into another favorite, "prevention is the best such as good nutrition and physical activity,
<br /> medicine". Recognizing that many health and
<br /> conditions can be prevented through educa- • continuing the provision of services that
<br /> ni ,, 1 tion,and mental health problems controlled help citizens with physical and/or mental
<br /> �Y a •° through treatment,the chief priorities for disabilities.
<br /> ''.-•_,. intervention at the County level should be
<br /> V -Alia prevention,education,and treatment. In or-
<br /> ,e.
<br /> 5. Ed u c a t i o n Goal 2: Support Lifelong Learning ties focusing on basic skills, literacy, and
<br /> Goal 1: Provide Quality K-12 Educa- Orange County benefits from the excel- preparation for citizenship. Strategies
<br /> lent educational opportunities provided that work towards accomplishing this goal
<br /> tion by UNC, nearby community colleges, include:
<br /> Orange County residents clearly expect local community groups, and parks and • developing a calendar of community-
<br /> ts, the best in K-12 education. Orange Coun- recreation departments. The wide array based lifetime learning opportunities,
<br /> ii- ty is home to some of the most outstand- of lifelong learning opportunities avail- • working with UNC to plan and de-
<br /> ing schools in the state, with two of our able locally enriches the lives of County velop a range of campus-based enrichment
<br /> s high schools among the top 100 public
<br /> high schools in the country. The educa- citizens. These offerings give residents the programs, and
<br /> 1 tion system strives to prepare students to chance to sharpen their professional skills, • ensuring that adult education services
<br /> be responsible citizens and well-rounded, learn new skills, expand their cultural ho- and opportunities are available and acces-
<br /> critical thinkers with marketable skills. rizons, and enjoy a variety of leisure activi- sible to all who need them.
<br /> ties. Equally important to helping people
<br /> get the most out of their lives and contrib-
<br /> ta- A number of recommendations have been
<br /> put forth to address providing quality ute positively to society are programs that
<br /> provide literacy
<br /> education. Such recommendations in- education, adult
<br /> dude having schools be part of multi-use
<br /> of community centers, encouraging coopera- basic education,
<br /> tion between Chapel Hill/Carrboro and
<br /> and citizenship _.-" � �.;. -.* .4 re. , .. .a.
<br /> education. .� :...,
<br /> I Orange County School systems, improv-
<br /> ing special needs services, and enhancing I, j
<br /> A couple of rec-
<br /> efforts to provide students with hands-on, ommendations ', 1° A ��;
<br /> r�s_
<br /> rig real world experience. Some strategies to have been made ■ ■ Cedar wags High School — ■ ' "_" ■
<br /> use are: to deal with this I — V" 1
<br /> goal: fostering
<br /> it • determining whether a school system and enhancing �t�� C M "
<br /> merger would be feasible and efficient '
<br /> lifelong learning ---- ; '
<br /> • enhancing opportunities for special
<br /> needs children in the school districts, opportunities
<br /> for all adults,
<br /> 1 • improving the teaching of English as a
<br /> and enhancing ._
<br /> Second Language (ESL) classes, and
<br /> Adult Educa-
<br /> ic- • enhancing vocational training and _ ,tion opportuni- S` -.ow
<br /> skills development programs.
<br />