Orange County NC Website
The total of these facilities is approximate to or slightly above the available <br /> funding of$1.2 million. <br /> CONCLUSION <br /> The creation of Northern Park is expected to yield a facility that can provide many <br /> recreational opportunities for the Cedar Grove community, including residents <br /> living in close proximity to the park and those living in northwestern Orange <br /> County. Two new playing fields, basketball courts, a skate facility , trails and a <br /> picnic shelter with restrooms are proposed for construction with the available <br /> funds. <br /> There are other facilities that have been planned in the design that could be part <br /> of a future phase, if additional funds become available in the future, including a <br /> third baseball/softball field, tennis courts, a second playground area, and two <br /> additional picnic shelters. <br /> In considering the potential facilities, the meetings have attempted to be <br /> cognizant of plans for the Northern Human Services Center. The Northern Park <br /> Master Plan moreover has been designed to be compatible with the current and <br /> expected future plans for the building. <br /> The addition of the facilities outlined above will further enhance recreation, open <br /> space and leisure activities for citizens in the Cedar Grove community and <br /> beyond. The design, consistent with the Preliminary Concept Plan, attempts to <br /> balance the protection of the hardwood forest areas and stream buffers on site, <br /> while still providing for active recreation and low-impact recreation facilities. <br /> • l j y <br /> 4Yy. 4fµ _ <br /> p g y '# �Y, ll� b fad4cw� gill �4 <br /> 'c <br /> The existing playground at the Northern Center <br /> 9 <br />