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Attachment C <br /> Subcommittee on Inter-League Cooperation: <br /> Developing a Public-Private Partnership and Ensuring Cooperation <br /> Subcommittee: <br /> Charge: 1. How to make public-private partnerships work in Orange County with <br /> regard to soccer fields. <br /> 2. How to ensure cooperation among the various soccer organizations. <br /> 1. Public- Private Partnerships <br /> Public entities: The public entity in this case is Orange County. To the degree that the <br /> Orange County Parks and Recreation Department or other government agencies must <br /> be involved, they may act as agents, but ultimately funding must come through the <br /> Orange County budget. <br /> Private entities: Rainbow, Triangle Futbol, Durham-Chapel Hill Strikers, YMCA, <br /> Hispanic league, and corporate sponsors. <br /> A. Model of Public Private Partnership <br /> One model of a public-private partnership is found in Wake County, where the county <br /> contracts with the Capital Area Soccer League (CASL, a non-profit organization) to run soccer <br /> in the county. The county makes the land available for fields and CASL develops the fields. <br /> CASL runs leagues for age groups ranging from small children through adults (total about <br /> 17,000 participants) and finances its activities through fees from players, numerous <br /> tournaments at its various soccer complexes, and fundraising from corporate sponsors. <br /> B. Model for Orange County <br /> We suggest a modified model for Orange County. While large soccer complexes for <br /> match play and tournaments would be the responsibility of private organizations, the county <br /> would make land available for practice soccer fields (as near as possible to population <br /> centers). The private soccer organizations would jointly and cooperatively agree to lease <br /> these practice field sites for a nominal fee, develop these fields, and manage their use. <br /> 2. Private soccer organization cooperation. <br /> We envision cooperation among the private organizations as being similar to a model <br /> currently in use, the "Mid-states Challenge Soccer League." This league was formed three <br /> years ago by the Durham-Chapel Hill Strikers and Carolina United (now Triangle Futbol), but <br /> all local soccer organizations were invited to send representatives to cooperatively manage <br /> the league. The league is not owned by any of the local organizations. Each soccer <br /> organization provides teams to play in the league and commits fields for league use on <br /> Sundays. Each organization sends representatives to set policy, to direct the scheduling of <br /> league games, and to coordinate with referees. <br /> We propose that soccer organizations in Orange County be invited to send a representative <br /> to a body (Joint Orange County Soccer) that would be responsible for coordination with the <br /> county on the development of practice soccer fields and in exchange for that development, <br /> obtain the right to the management and scheduling of those fields with reference to <br /> guidelines agreed to by the county. <br />