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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: January 23, 2007 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No.,f <br />SUBJECT: Bid Award: Homestead Community Center Sewer Construction <br />DEPARTMENT: Purchasing <br />PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />ATTACHMENT(S):. <br />Bid Tabulation <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Pam Jones, 919-245-2652 <br />PURPOSE: To consider awarding a bid to Billings and Garrett, Inc. in the amount of <br />$112,736.80 to construct a sewer line to service the Homestead Community Center. <br />BACKGROUND: The Homestead Community Association donated the Homestead Community <br />Center to the County in the late 1980's. The facility is used regularly by the Recreation and <br />Parks Department to provide a variety of classes and activities to the community, as well as <br />meeting space for various groups. <br />The County has been servicing a failed on-site septic system via a pump-and-haul permit for in <br />excess of one year, pending completion of plans and approvals for a sewer line to be <br />constructed on the site. <br />Corley Redfoot Zack, Chapel Hill, the firm retained by the County in May 2006, has designed <br />and obtained the appropriate regulatory approvals for the project. <br />Bids have now been solicited for the work, with the lowest responsive bid that is responsible <br />being submitted by Billings and Garrett, Inc. in the amount of $112,736.80. <br />The work is anticipated to be completed approximately 60 days following the issuance of a <br />Notice to Proceed. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The approved 2006-16 Capital Investment Plan includes $90,000 in <br />Two-Thirds Net Debt Reduction Bonds to cover the construction of the sewer line. That amount <br />was based on estimates from about eighteen months ago - before construction costs escalated <br />to the point that they are today. Should the Board award the bid to Billings & Garrett, Inc. staff <br />will bring a revised capital project ordinance increasing the project budget to an amount that will <br />cover the bid award. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board award a bid to Billings <br />and Garrett, Inc. in the amount of $112,736.80 to construct a sewer line to service the <br />Homestead Community Center; authorize the Budget Director to bring back a revised <br />Homestead Community Center Capital Project Ordinance sufficient to cover the cost of the bid <br />award; and authorize the Purchasing Director to execute any necessary paperwork.