Agenda - 01-23-2007-5j
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 01-23-2007
Agenda - 01-23-2007-5j
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Last modified
9/2/2008 12:24:23 AM
Creation date
8/28/2008 11:12:25 AM
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Agenda Item
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2008-104 EDC - 2006-2007 Small Business & Technology Development Center Renewal
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2008
Minutes - 20070123
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Attachment B <br />Orange County Success Stories <br />#1 An occupational therapy business from another county was assisted in establishing a <br />second location in Chapel Hill. The SBTDC conducted a strategic needs assessment (SNA) with <br />all staff of the facility, a financial benchmarking assessment (RMA - Risk Management <br />Associates- Compare II analysis), and a small business legal audit utilizing local 3rd year law <br />students, all at no cost to the company. Company owners, managers, and staff were debriefed <br />as to findings. As a result, the business entity was changed to an S-corporation, with <br />considerable, legitimate tax savings; three new employees were hired, and sales have <br />increased considerably (36% compared to 3 yrs ago although final 2006 figures are not yet in). <br />#2 A local Day Spa business in southern Orange County slightly less than two years <br />requested help with the financing of their business, and to help improve operations / profits. The <br />company was losing money. After a financial analysis of the company' operations, company <br />owners were assisted in successfully raising $50,000 in additional working capital. Operations <br />were streamlined. Two new employees were hired, and the company is now profitable. <br />#3 An upscale pet food and supplies company in Carrboro was assisted in many ways with <br />its current performance and wish to expand operations. The SBTDC secured the help of a local <br />MBA team to do in-depth work with the company's owner. This work focused on daily <br />operations, inventory control, and personnel decisions / management. A financial analysis (RMA <br />Compare II) was conducted on the company's business. A third year law student from UNC <br />School of Law was brought in to conduct a legal audit, and to do legal research regarding <br />intellectual property, business entity, and legal matters related to expansion / replication / <br />franchising of the business. The company plans to add at least one new job, is now searching <br />for additional warehouse space in western Orange County, has eclipsed the one million dollar <br />per year mark in sales, and expects to be debt-free (including repayment of its Carrboro <br />revolving loan fund loan) by the end of the year.
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