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8 <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Rich, seconded by Commissioner Price to <br /> appoint Commissioner Pelissier and Commissioner Jacobs as the two Board members to serve <br /> on the Council. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Rich, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> direct the Clerk to the Board to solicit applicants for potential appointment to the other <br /> respective Council positions and present the list of applicants for potential appointment at the <br /> June 21, 2016 regular Board meeting. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Amendment to the Orange County Code of Ordinances — Sexually Oriented <br /> Businesses <br /> The Board considered the adoption of rules regulating the licensing and operation of <br /> sexually oriented businesses in Orange County, authorize the Chair to sign and authorize the <br /> County Attorney to make any minor non-substantive changes or corrections as necessary. <br /> John Roberts reviewed the following information: <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> This item is related to the recent adoption of land use rules regulating the location of sexually <br /> oriented businesses in Orange County at the February 2, 2016 regular meeting of the Board of <br /> County Commissioners. <br /> The proposed amendments establish new regulations governing the licensing of owners, <br /> operators, managers, supervisors, practitioners, and entertainers of sexually oriented <br /> businesses as well as limiting admission to such businesses. At the February 2, 2016 meeting, <br /> the Board of County Commissioners adopted new land use regulations governing the location <br /> and siting requirements for sexually oriented businesses. Within those land use regulations is <br /> a requirement that any sexually oriented business comply with all applicable licensing <br /> requirements found in Chapter 8 of the Orange County Code of Ordinances. <br /> Among other things the recommended ordinance requires all persons with ownership interests <br /> in such a business or any form of employment or contractual relationship with such a business <br /> to be licensed, and restricts the presence on the premises of minors. <br /> John Roberts said there are no sexually oriented businesses currently operating in <br /> Orange County, and there is nothing in the pipeline for special use permits. He said the <br /> ordinance establishes the requirement that potential owners would need a license and to <br /> submit to criminal background checks of all employees. He said fingerprints would not be <br /> required. He said the application process does not go through the Sheriff's office, but rather <br /> through a designee of the County Manager's office. He said violations of the ordinance would <br /> be handled either by the Sheriff's office, or the BOCC. He said the ordinance does not include <br /> a fee for the license, which the BOCC can establish if it so chooses, ranging from zero to <br /> $5000. <br /> Chair McKee asked if the motion needed specific wording. <br /> John Roberts said the Manager's recommendation is worded appropriately, unless the <br /> BOCC wishes to add a fee, which would then need to be added to the wording. <br />