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6 <br /> Criminal Justice Resource Office and would be aligned with the best practices for the <br /> administration of an effective, innovative and equitable criminal justice system. <br /> A Criminal Justice Advisory Council would be an appointed body of elected and senior justice <br /> system leaders and stakeholders that convenes on a regular basis to coordinate systematic <br /> responses to justice system issues and problems. Membership could include stakeholders <br /> from the executive branch of government, the courts, corrections, law enforcement, health and <br /> human services agencies, community-based organizations, and the faith and business <br /> communities. <br /> It is important to create a clear mission statement, a set of goals, a structure of leadership and <br /> a method for evaluating the group's effectiveness. It is recommended that a Chair and Vice- <br /> Chair be selected from within the Council, that sub-committees have an outlined purpose and <br /> that task force or ad hoc groups are carefully considered and limited to a specific task and time <br /> frame. Typical goals for a Council include improving the jurisdiction's justice system through <br /> collaborative efforts and research, promoting safety, improving the just and efficient treatment <br /> of offenders and reducing incarceration rates, crime rates and recidivism. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said the idea of having a permanent Criminal Justice Advisory <br /> Council (CJAC) has been in the works for some time. She said there is a huge advantage of <br /> having all stakeholders at the table at one time. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said it is rare for County government to intersect with the <br /> Criminal Justice system, and this permanent council would be a step in the right direction to <br /> integrate the work of all involved. He said this council is a welcome improvement. <br /> Commissioner Price said the charge is vague, and she does not see great importance <br /> being placed on outreach and awareness to the community. <br /> Caitlin Fenhegen said outreach is an important piece. She said the mission statement <br /> should be a more targeted and will included greater depth of details like these. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if this council would be included in the BOCC boards and <br /> committees. <br /> Chair McKee said it is his understanding that this would become a permanent part of <br /> their boards and commissions, and that this would be added to the BOCC's yearly selection <br /> process for boards and commissions. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Rich, seconded by Commissioner Price to <br /> nominate Commissioner Jacobs and Commissioner Pelissier to be on this board. <br /> Chair McKee asked if this council would be an advisory committee or an oversight <br /> committee. <br /> Caitlin Fenhagen said the council is not an oversight committee, and law enforcement <br /> will be at the table. <br /> Sheriff Blackwood said this is an issue that has been talked about for a long time. He <br /> said many hands make light work, and it is a positive step to have different perspectives <br /> represented when considering how best to serve the citizens of Orange County. <br /> Commissioner Rich said all the municipal police chiefs are being included in this <br /> council, and asked if there is a reason why Mebane has not been included. <br /> Caitlin Fenhagen said this was an oversight on her part, and she will extend an <br /> invitation to the City of Mebane's police chief to join the council. <br />