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21 <br /> 1) Conducting a second scheduled public hearing to receive public comment on the questions <br /> of the validity of the bond orders and the advisability of issuing the bonds; <br /> 2) Close the public hearing. The Board can then either proceed to step (3) without changes to <br /> the Bond Orders as previously introduced, or in the alternative the Board may decide either (a) <br /> not to put forward either or both of the proposed orders, or (b) to lower the amount of either or <br /> both orders (The Board cannot, however, add a purpose for the proposed bonds or increase <br /> either amount of bonds without restarting the bond authorization process.); <br /> 3) Adopt the first bond order authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Bonds in an <br /> amount not to exceed $120 million to support school facilities; <br /> 4) Adopt the second bond order authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Bonds in an <br /> amount not to exceed $5 million for housing for persons with low and moderate income; and <br /> 5) Adopt the Resolution regarding details for bond referenda (Attachment 3) to formally <br /> schedule the November bond referenda and approve the ballot questions. <br /> Gary Donaldson reviewed the process thus far. <br /> Bob Jessup, Bond Counsel, said this is the final required Board action before this item <br /> is put before the voters in November. He said the resolution will have the bond questions. <br /> Chair McKee opened the public hearing. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> NONE <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Burroughs, seconded by Commissioner Price to <br /> close the public hearing. <br /> VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Pelissier absent) <br /> The Board can then either proceed to step (3) without changes to the Bond Orders as <br /> previously introduced, or in the alternative the Board may decide either (a) not to put forward <br /> either or both of the proposed orders, or (b) to lower the amount of either or both orders (The <br /> Board cannot, however, add a purpose for the proposed bonds or increase either amount of <br /> bonds without restarting the bond authorization process.); <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Burroughs, seconded by Commissioner Price to <br /> adopt the first bond order (Attachment 1) authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Bonds <br /> in an amount not to exceed $120 million to support school facilities. <br /> VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Pelissier absent) <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner Burroughs to <br /> adopt the second bond order (Attachment 2) authorizing the issuance of General Obligation <br /> Bonds in an amount not to exceed $5 million for housing for persons with low and moderate <br /> income. <br /> VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Pelissier absent) <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner Burroughs to <br /> adopt the Resolution regarding details for bond referenda (Attachment 3) to formally schedule <br /> the November bond referenda and approve the ballot questions. <br />