2016-282-E Solid Waste - Judy D. Brooks Contract Amendment for food waste collection
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2016-282-E Solid Waste - Judy D. Brooks Contract Amendment for food waste collection
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Last modified
7/26/2019 3:46:58 PM
Creation date
6/6/2016 8:02:48 AM
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Contract Document Type
Contract Amendment
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2011-219 Solid Waste - Judy Brooks for collection of Food Waste
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2010's\2011
R 2016-282-E SW - Judy D. Brooks Contractor - Amendment to Contract for food waste collection
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\Contract Routing Sheets\Routing Sheets\2016
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DocuSign Envelope ID:20877915-9004-438F-AI77-54177939AE44 <br /> Orange County Commissioners on the selected-Contractor and-Contract.' Contractor must sign the <br /> contract agreement within *twenty (20) days after notification of the Board of Orange County <br /> Commissioners approval of said recommendations. It, after approval by the Board of Orange County <br /> Commissioners, a contract Is not signed within a twenty (20)day period,the County reserves the right to <br /> terminate all negotiations and-select one of the other finalists or Issue a new RFP. <br /> F. Right to Reject <br /> Issuance of the,"Request for Proposal"does not commit the County to award a contract,to pay-any costs <br /> Incurred in preparation of a proposal to this request, or to procure or Contract for service or supplies. The <br /> County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, and to re-advertise, The County may at Its <br /> option, perform the services. <br /> G. Proposal Requirements,.Format and Content- <br /> Submitted.proposal must follow the following order and format., <br /> 1. Introduction — This section must include a brief statement of Proposer's Company Background, <br /> Contact Infarmation, and must include the signature of an individual who is authorized to bind the <br /> Proposer contractually(see section IV, subsection C). <br /> 2. Statement of understanding of Services Sought by Coun ty-Th Is section must Include a.statement <br /> of Proposer's understanding of the services being sought by the County, and,Include a description of <br /> Scope of-Work for Food Waste and Organic Waste Collection Services, <br /> 3. Project Personnel — This section must Include name and title of the responsible Project Manager in <br /> charge of providing-services as described In section 2 of proposal. Due to the scope of the project, <br /> County expects that the Project Manager will-be a principal experienced In food waste.and organic <br /> collection. This section must also Include a list of any other specific contracts or projects on whIch•the <br /> Project Manager Is working, and Include assurances that she/he will be able to provide the necessary <br /> oversight and attention to this project. <br /> 4. Subconsultants and Subcontractors — This section must Include a description of proposed <br /> involvement of subconsultants and subcontractors, including potential uses and responsibilities and <br /> detail their names, experience and projected use In this project,specifically. All subcon.sultants and <br /> su boo ntractors by County In Advance_ <br /> 5, Current'and-Past Experience — This-section must include a description of Proposer's current and <br /> past experience providing services similar to those County seeks. This section must include a list of <br /> clients to Whom similar services have been provided within the past three (3)years. The Ust.of clients <br /> must be up to date include accurate name, phone nuMber, and email address (when possible) of <br /> contact person. Current and 1 or past clients may be asked-by County to provide reference for- <br /> Proposer, <br /> 6-, Technical.Expertise—This section must Include a description of Proposer's technical expertise in the <br /> operation of food waste collection, Include-in this section an explanation of Proposer's knowledge and <br /> understanding of appllcabfe _laws, rules and regulations and experience working with relevant <br /> regulatory agencies. <br /> 7. Project Approach — This section must include -a description. of Project Approach, Including <br /> operational approach to food and organic waste collection. <br /> 8. Storage, Disposal, and Composting/Recyoling/D[gestion/Processing Facilities — In this section <br /> the Proposer must provide information regarding how the food 'waste and organic waste will. be <br /> collected, and processed and the type of vehicles and equipment that will be used to collect the <br /> material (year, make, and model) and include all back-up capabilities. Provide the location of the <br /> processing facility..and the type of-process planned to manage the material once collected Including <br /> how residuals be processed will be managed. Indicate whether there Is are any limits to the <br /> quantifies that can be collected. Please include relevant safety records and listings of a[( warning <br /> notifications, violations, and/or citations, with details explaining each received from pertinent Federal <br /> and/or State or local or regional or tribal agencies for the past two years, as well as,any past or <br /> pending litigation. <br />
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