Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:20877915-9004-438F-AI77-54177939AE44 <br /> 1). Container Description <br /> Containers must be Provided by the selected contractor. The preferred container to be used to collect <br /> food and organic waste for this program is properly sealed 65 gallon rolling carts that will not leak liquids <br /> and properly sealed silt cubic yard front-end-load containers that will not leak out liquids. However, the <br /> County will consider any suggestions on other containers such as different sized rolling carts, cubic yard <br /> boxes, front-load dumpstera, etc. Contractors are to provide a proposal of the type of Service Containers <br /> and collection methods that best-fit the-needs of the program. All containers must meet and maintain all <br /> applicable health codes and.standards and be free of holes and unsealed seams. Each cart may have a <br /> liner that should be replaced after cart Is serviced.Cost of.finer should be an bid tally sheet. Contractor <br /> shall be responsible for replacing all-leaking, broken or damaged containers with two working days of <br /> notification of problems. Contractor and waste generator shall be responsible for container cleanliness <br /> and appearance.'County will maintain no responsibility for containers. <br /> E. Collection Frequency <br /> At a minimum,' we prefer the businesses be serviced. three times per week. However, the selected <br /> contractor must adjust servicing of the businesses$ site it the need arises for a more or less frequent <br /> sb-rvldhg-schedule including, but not limited to, weekend and after hour-pick-up$, -Colleotlon sites must <br /> take such a time and manner as not to disrupt normal business activity, 'general safety, <br /> pedestrian traffic, or vehicular traffic at the collection location.. Particular exceptions may-be negotiated for <br /> exceptional circumstances. <br /> F. Summary of General Responsibiritles <br /> The selected contractor shall complete the following as part of the services. <br /> I. Meet with the County and conduct site visits to all current and potential sites to determine <br /> service-needs; <br /> if. Provide appropriate son Ace containers(type and quantity); <br /> !if. Each cart and dumpster should be thoroughly cleaned after each dump to avoid maul odor- <br /> and/or sources for vectors. For example each cart could be rinsed out and cleaned with hot <br /> water, grease remover, and deodorizer or a similar sanitizing system. Used-water should <br /> not be discharged onto the ground, Into storm drains or,into any open water source. <br /> IV. Weigh the total amount of material from-each location each time the material is collected <br /> and provide weights In monthly reports; <br /> V. Process, market,. and recover all materials collected, ensure that the facility chosen for <br /> processing, marketing and recovering the materials meets all federal, state and local <br /> regulations and provide proof to the County that the facility meets such regulations <br /> annually and provide documentation that any residuals from processing are properly and <br /> legally disposed,of. <br /> vi. Assist County with education and outreach and/or training when establishing now <br /> locations to be added to program (i.e. acceptable materials, how to dispose of organics <br /> properly, how to manage contamination problems, what types of paper or other non-food <br /> items are acceptable, etc.); <br /> vil. Provide, a program representative to act as a program contact person for questions or <br /> problems. The representative must be available every business day from lam to 6pm by <br /> either phone, electronically or other means and must respond to calls from the County <br /> within one working day of receipt of call or other.communication from County <br /> 5 <br />