Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:20877915-9004-438F-AI77-54177939AE44 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR FOOD WASTE AND ORGANIC WASTE COLLECTION. <br /> The County of Orange, N.C. on behalf of its Department of Solid Waste Management(hereinafter"County") <br /> is seeking proposals for collection and disposal services for the County's Food Waste and Organic Waste <br /> Collection from selected- businesses or other locations in Orange County, North Carolina, -including <br /> participating local governments and public school systems. <br /> I. INTRODUCTION, BACKGROUND,AND POTENTIAL PROGRAM CHANGES- <br /> Orange County began experimenting with commercial food waste diversion In the mid 1990s, working with <br /> two local small-scale pig farmers to collect food waste from a few restaurants and a few local city elementary <br /> schools for cooking and feeding to their hogs.These programs were very constrained because they could <br /> accept only food waste, not wet paper or any other'organic waste', only that suitable for cooking and feeding <br /> to pig s, Both hog farmers stopped this collection by 1998 for economic reasons. <br /> In 1999, the Co-unty contracted with a private collector to coliect and compost a wider variety of-commercial <br /> organic waste that Included not only food but-also other materials such as wet paper and'floral waste that <br /> were,readily compqstable. Under the current contract material Is currently collected from a variety of <br /> commercial sources in Orange County,transported to a composting operation and converted to compost. <br /> Over time, the County expanded the program,to include a:variety-of higher volume restaurants,grocery <br /> stores, institutions-and multiple stops on the UNC campus Including collection of lab animal- edding. The <br /> lower limit for collecting Is-sat at two tons per month per location.Average collection rate Is three times per <br /> week and-receptacles are washed out as they'are collected. County staff Identified,contacted, recruited and <br /> educated'the waste generators, established the program and responds to complaints about product quality. <br /> As of March 2011-there are 31 customers and collection of UNC lab animal bedding by the County has been <br /> eliminated.The County hopes to expand to other locations around the County In the future. <br /> A. Program.Data: <br /> The following- table provides-a breakdown of the approximate-amount of organic waste collected by <br /> Orange County's current Food Waste and Organic Waste Collection program from approximately 31 sites <br /> Including grocery stores, full service restaurants, institutions, -retirement homes and other commercial <br /> enterprises. The County intends to-provide organics collection.service to at least the current client base <br /> and wishes to expand the service to.include more stops. <br /> The reporting periods in the chart below are based on County's Fiscal Year(FY). The Fiscal-Year Is July <br /> I through June 30, for example FY 09-10 =July 1,2009 though June 30,2010. <br /> Fiscal-Year Tons-Collected <br /> 07-08 f,760.57 <br /> 08-09 1,702,00 <br /> 09-10 1,782,62 <br /> 10-11 (July 10=-January 11) 1,204.20 <br /> B.Considerations for the Future: <br /> The decision to make the following changes to County's Food Waste and Organic Waste program Is per <br /> County's discretion, and is dependant upon approval'of the FY 11-12 budget. <br /> 3 <br />