Orange County NC Website
Zff F r ??sv? ?'vu ivL <br />S76 3gJ ? <br />J. <br />XDS Inc. <br />Cross nisablifty -Services <br />$pd astowne 3r. Suite 200 Chanel Hill. IC 27514 i?lzone : ?9i?3-490-55,03 Fax : 919-490-5805 <br />t <br />r; <br /> <br />December 28,2006 <br />Dear Orange CO. board of Coa aiSSianers, <br />f am: writing to request that Cross Disability Services inc. be considered as a fax exempt <br />organization by Orange county tax office for year 2006. As you array know, we are a spin off <br />agency of OPC Area Program providing direct services to consumers with multiple <br />disabilities living in Orange Person and Chatham counties. We understood that the tax <br />exempt form must be completed and sent before the end of the year which we did earlier <br />this week: However we were informed by the tax office that out application may be late and <br />we needed approval by tlae board of commissioners to receive the exemption status. Please <br />let me know if you need any additional in€ormation that you may need to consider our <br />organization for the exemption this year. <br />Thanks in advance for your assistance with this (natter. <br />Sinc e1y, <br />kvy; <br />'T'hava Mahadevan MS <br />Executive Director. <br />f <br />w A,4v.-xd&inc.Drg