Orange County NC Website
eT, <br />The Board will consider seven (7) untimely applications for exemption/exclusion from ad valorem taxation <br />for the 2006 tax year. <br />e. Property Value Changes <br />The Board will consider approving value changes made in property values after the 2006 Board of <br />Equalization and Review has adjourned. <br />f. Property Tax Release <br />The Board will consider adoption of a resolution to release the property value related to one (1) request for <br />property tax release in accordance with N. C. General Statute 105-381. <br />g. Resolution Creating a Special Board of Equalization and Review <br />The Board will consider a resolution providing for the appointment of a special board of equalization and <br />review to carry out the statutory responsibilities of ensuring that tax lists and tax records comply with the <br />provisions of the North Carolina Machinery Act and recruit applicants. <br />h. Resolution in Support of Local Fees for Food and Lodging Inspections <br />The Board will consider adopting a resolution in support of state associations that calls for legislation to <br />allow counties the option to set fees for the inspection of food and lodging establishments and authorize the <br />Chair to sign. <br />i. Agreement Renewal for Adopt a Child Care Dental Screening Project Coordinator <br />The Board will consider renewing the agreement for a Project Coordinator for the Adopt a Child Care Dental <br />Screening Project and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />j. 2006-2007 Small Business and Technology Development Center (SBTDC) Contract Renewal <br />The Board will consider renewing a contract to continue support of small business development services for <br />Orange County as stated in the Economic Development Strategic Plan and authorize the Manager and Clerk <br />to execute the contract. <br />k. Agreement for Groundwater Monitoring for the Landfill <br />The Board will consider extending the Solid Waste Department agreement with Research and Analytical <br />Laboratories, Inc. for ground water monitoring services at the Orange County Landfill for three additional <br />years through December 31, 2009 and authorize the Chair to sign, subject to final review by the County <br />Attorney. <br />1. Bid Award: Homestead Community Center Sewer Construction <br />The Board will consider awarding a bid to Billings and Garrett, Inc. in the amount $112,736.80 to construct <br />a sewer line to service the Homestead Community Center; authorize the Budget Director to bring back a <br />revised Capital Project Ordinance; and authorize the Purchasing Director to execute any necessary <br />paperwork. <br />m. Time-Limited Positions for Work First Pilot <br />The Board will consider establishing four time-limited positions using Work First pilot funds to provide <br />intensive services to Work First participants. <br />n. Proposed Grant Application to NC Parks & Recreation Trust Fund <br />The Board will consider submitting an application to the Parks and Recreation Trust Fund for state grant <br />funds to develop the Northern Park (Cedar Grove Community Park) and authorize the Chair to sign prior to <br />the January 31, 2007 deadline. <br />o. Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) Grant Application for FY 2007 for Cultural & Archaeological <br />Surveys <br />The Board will consider submitting an application for matching grants monies to offset the cost of a cultural <br />and archaeological survey for Hollow Rock Access Area/New Hope Preserve park project scheduled for the <br />master plan design process in the coming year and authorize staff to submit the application. <br />p. Acceptance of Grant Allocation from the Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program <br />The Board will consider approving acceptance of State Managed Federal Homeland Security grant funds <br />totaling $1,814,000 for interoperable communications infrastructure and equipment, and to authorize the <br />State Highway Patrol to expend these grant funds to construct communications infrastructure for Orange