Orange County NC Website
II. Board Process Issues <br />Help the Manager to Help Us (4) <br />1. Adopt a coherent and well-organized set of goals on which the Board will receive <br />quarterly status reports from the Manager. <br />2. Develop a shared expectation for how we are to give work assignments to the Manager <br />and get back reports after we make assignments. <br />3. Schedule BOCC work sessions during the day, to limit negative impacts of night <br />meetings upon the family lives of County staff and Board members. <br />Transparency (4) <br />4. Clarify the capital planning process so that everyone on the Board, our staff, and the <br />general public share an understanding of what the key steps are and when those steps will <br />take place. <br />5. Include complete information in the BOCC agenda packets and post it on the website in a <br />timely manner. <br />6. Improve our communications with the public by being aggressive in our outreach and <br />providing informing to the public deliberately, clearly, concisely, and in a timely manner, <br />especially information about what the Board is doing and what its decisions are, so that <br />the Board's business is transparent to the public. <br />7. Point audiovisual presentations to the public (not the Board), while we're looking at the <br />same material on handouts in our packets, if the public and we cannot see the <br />presentations simultaneously. <br />8. Develop shared expectations for how Board members will keep each other and the public <br />informed about what we are doing. <br />• Clarify the purpose of Board and Manager comment periods. <br />• Move the comment period to the end of the meeting. <br />• If the comment period is to be moved, then reconsider the 10:30 PM adjournment <br />rule, or consider beginning at 7:00 PM, instead of 7:30, so that we have sufficient <br />time for each of us to hear what the others are doing. <br />• Find an effective way for each of us to speak about our outside activities (written <br />reports is too much added work for us) and to hear what others are doing. <br />• What is our expectation about sharing relevant information equally (or not) with <br />each other? <br />9. Put public hearings earlier in our agenda so citizens do not have to wait. <br />10. Schedule BOCC work sessions during the day, to make work sessions more accessible to <br />older people who do not drive at night. <br />7