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Parks 3 <br />22. Move forward/Push ahead on the three parks: <br />• Fairview - approve an agreement with Hillsborough and advance through the master <br />planning process. <br />• Northern Park - Resolve septicibuilding issues; Make Northern Community Center <br />functional. <br />• Twin Creeks - Resolve land use issues with Carrboro, and ensure that the park opens <br />in a timely manner. <br />23. Provide recreation programs for youth ages 13-19 years. <br />24. Build soccer fields with the 2001 bonds. <br />County Government Efficiency (2) <br />25. Continue to develop strategies and promote more efficient County government operations <br />that will ultimately result in financial savings. <br />26. Streamline County government by aligning all 800 employees and 30 departments under <br />the Manager's leadership in a more unified way: <br />• Reconsider the current bifurcation of the Assistant Managers' portfolios <br />• Reorient staff attitudes about how County facilities are to be scheduled, managed, and <br />used, so that all departments will have reasonable access to all of our facilities. <br />• Use the new County office space in ways that will advance this unification goal. <br />Emergency Planning (2) <br />27. Complete the Fire and Rescue Study <br />28. Ensure that Orange County is prepared to handle all kinds of emergencies -- natural <br />disasters, public health emergencies such as pandemics, a Shearon Harris emergency -- <br />including having a way for the County government to function during and after a very <br />serious disaster. ' <br />Green Building (2) <br />29. Incorporate green building elements into the Planning Code, including preferential <br />treatment for developers who do what we want them to do. <br />30. Tailor a locally relevant program, after studying the Austin and Madison programs, by <br />which a development proposal is given "fast track" review in return for the developer <br />incorporating amenities or design elements (such as green building technologies) from a <br />County-generated menu. <br />Land Preservation (2) <br />31. Identify, investigate and coordinate the preservation of the County's most significant <br />natural areas. <br />3