Orange County NC Website
Capital Budget (3) <br />11. Assess the desirability of establishing a timeline for the County's next general obligation <br />bond referenda, and (if appropriate) implement preliminary planning steps. <br />12. Define and implement a new capital funding policy this year so that a full and <br />comprehensive funding plan will be incorporated into next year's budget, including the <br />disposition of State lottery proceeds and planning for pay-as-you-go funding allocations <br />that will underwrite the County and schools' 2007-17 CIPs. <br />13. Clarify the capital budgeting process so that the Board, staff and public share an <br />understanding of what the key steps are and when those steps will take place, so that the <br />public can be involved meaningfully in Board decisions regarding capital planning. <br />Economic Development (3) <br />14. Bring infrastructure to the Economic Development Districts. <br />15. Complete the Hillsborough strategic plan <br />16. Complete the Efland-Mebane Work Group recommendations <br />17. Implementation of the next phase of the Efland-Buckhorn sewer utility expansion plan <br />and related objectives to be identified through the Efland-Mebane small area planning <br />process <br />18. Work with staff to publicize the Revolving Loan Fund, and to recruit the first applicants. <br />19. Assess whether the fund is sufficiently capitalized, and if it is not then address the <br />insufficiency. <br />20. Develop a coherent set of strategies for economic development in Orange County that <br />will increase the commercial tax base, improve our revenue stream, and address 18 <br />consecutive years of County tax increases. <br />Loose Ends/Catching Up (3) <br />[Specific goals or issues identified as "needing completion " have been integrated into this <br />menu for consideration as priorities against each other and against any new initiatives]. <br />21. Ask Manager to identify projects that have fallen behind, and to complete them. <br />2