Orange County NC Website
Appointing Liaisons (2) <br />21. Ask the Manager (as our new and neutral professional) to recommend an understandable <br />and transparent process that we can institutionalize so we don't have to invent a process <br />every time a liaison slot opens up. <br />22. Make the appointment process more thoughtful by identifying different criteria for <br />appointments to different kinds of groups. <br />• Examples of criteria that might be valid under different situations: ex officio status, <br />seniority, reverse seniority, equal opportunity among Board members to learn about <br />different issues, providing opportunities for individual Board members to deepen <br />their understanding of issues, using existing expertise or previous experience, <br />satisfying an individual's personal interests, rewarding good performance (e.g., <br />regular attendance, effective leadership). <br />• Examples of different kind of groups to which different criteria might apply: citizen <br />advisory boards and commissions, task forces subject to the open meetings law, <br />Board-staff work groups that are not subject to the open meetings law, and multi- <br />jurisdiction groups. <br />9