Orange County NC Website
13 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 AR 28 <br /> 3 UNDERWAY: The County Manager will assess and recommend to the BOCC a dedicated <br /> 4 funding source(s) needed and a plan of implementation to provide a source of reliable funds for <br /> 5 affordable housing starting with FY2016-17. <br /> 6 NEXT STEPS: BOCC approved the allocation of excess fund balance to create an affordable <br /> 7 housing fund as recommended by the County Manager. The FY2016-17 Budget recommends <br /> 8 additional resources for affordable housing initiatives. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 AR 29 <br /> 11 UNDERWAY: Provide and maintain a set aside of funding for land banking and acquisition <br /> 12 opportunities and keep this fund opportunity driven. <br /> 13 NEXT STEPS: The FY2016-17 Capital Investment Plan recommends an additional $1 million <br /> 14 allocation for land banking. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 AR 30.2 <br /> 17 UNDERWAY: Building a stronger and more productive relationship with local and regional <br /> 18 financial institutions. <br /> 19 NEXT STEPS: County Manager and Town Managers to work with elected leadership team to <br /> 20 build relationships with financial institutions. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 AR 31 <br /> 23 UNDERWAY: Seek and support opportunities to partner with community and municipal <br /> 24 partners in carrying out the strategies and actions of this Plan. <br /> 25 NEXT STEPS: County and Town Managers to invite City of Mebane and UNC leadership to <br /> 26 participate in the discussion and implementation of the Plan. <br /> 27 <br /> 28 AR 32 <br /> 29 UNDERWAY: Continue and strengthen the County's and Towns'joint assessment and <br /> 30 planning to obtain federal and other funding and public and private resources sources to <br /> 31 provide assistance as needed to households earning lower incomes and or to residents with <br /> 32 special needs and to our extremely vulnerable residents. <br /> 33 NEXT STEPS: County Manager and Town Managers to work with elected leadership team to <br /> 34 joint assessment and planning for external funding sources. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 Chair McKee mentioned some items that would cost money: 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 21, 24, as <br /> 37 well as a few others. He asked if staff could gather more detail on the costs. <br /> 38 Commissioner Dorosin said the BOCC green lighted many items, and he reiterated that <br /> 39 prioritization will have to occur. He said everything is important, but everything cannot be <br /> 40 equally important. <br /> 41 Commissioner Burroughs said the Board and staff may want to think about a phasing <br /> 42 approach moving forward on these priorities, in order to get the most "bang for their buck". <br /> 43 <br /> 44 2. Presentation on Orange County Employment and Labor Statistics <br /> 45 Steve Brantley, Orange County Economic Development Director, reviewed the following <br /> 46 background, and made a PowerPoint presentation, a copy of which is located in the permanent <br /> 47 agenda file in Clerk's office. <br /> 48 The attached PowerPoint presentation covers the most current information available <br /> 49 regarding Orange County's labor market environment to include the following topics: <br />