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6 <br /> 1 Commissioner Jacobs said he would green light this item as a concept, as long as it is <br /> 2 understood that it could be a mixed-use development (active recreation, schools, and affordable <br /> 3 housing). He said if the BOCC has a preference, it should express it. <br /> 4 Commissioner Rich and Commissioner Price agreed. <br /> 5 Commissioner Burroughs said this should be the first topic discussed by the proposed <br /> 6 multi-jurisdictional group. <br /> 7 Chair McKee asked if larger scale development is being considered and if any <br /> 8 parameters are being put in place. He said his only concern is the scalability of these ideas, as <br /> 9 the available funding is finite. <br /> 10 Commissioner Price said zoning and subdivision regulations could have an impact, as <br /> 11 well as available utilities. <br /> 12 Travis Myren said acreage would be estimated at about 10 acres. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 • AR11.3: Displacement plan for large resident displacements due to <br /> 15 purchase/redevelopment- GREEN <br /> 16 o DSS and Housing to collaborate on displacement response strategy <br /> 17 <br /> 18 • AR 12.2: Create guiding principles and design criteria for different types of <br /> 19 housing recommended in the Plan- GREEN <br /> 20 o Housing to work with other County departments, municipal partners, and <br /> 21 nonprofits to create design standards <br /> 22 <br /> 23 • AR16.1: Adequate emergency shelter to accommodate individuals and families - <br /> 24 GREEN <br /> 25 o Homeless Programs Coordinator to facilitate discussion of options for <br /> 26 emergency shelter needs (multi-jurisdictional) <br /> 27 <br /> 28 • AR16.2: Domestic violence shelter based on best practices - GREEN <br /> 29 o Housing to coordinate a discussion with public safety agencies and providers to <br /> 30 address the need of victims <br /> 31 <br /> 32 • AR25: Provide leadership and support to staff and community to implement <br /> 33 strategies - GREEN <br /> 34 o County Manager's Office to coordinate with municipal partners <br /> 35 o Align planning documents; define cooperative efforts <br /> 36 o Leverage staff expertise and financial resources <br /> 37 <br /> 38 • AR 27: Provide status reports on Plan implementation - GREEN <br /> 39 o County Manager's Office to coordinate progress reporting to BOCC and other <br /> 40 stakeholders <br /> 41 <br /> 42 • AR30.1: Partner with municipalities and providers on major projects and funding <br /> 43 applications - GREEN <br /> 44 o County and Town Managers to create intergovernmental staff team <br /> 45 o Cooperative project development and funding <br /> 46 <br /> 47 Commissioner Jacobs suggested using the HOME Program Review team, instead of <br /> 48 creating a new group of elected leaders and staff. <br /> 49 Bonnie Hammersley said this was considered, but the proposed elected officials group <br /> 50 would be an umbrella over all of affordable housing efforts. <br />