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19 <br /> 1 the other 35% are in the Triangle Area Rural Planning Organization (TARPO)jurisdiction. He <br /> 2 said two projects were put forth for consideration for funding: a widening project and an <br /> 3 operational improvements project. He said the latter was primarily put forward during this round <br /> 4 of funding to delay the need for widening, and possibly resolve the issue entirely. He said there <br /> 5 is also a corridor study being funded through the MPO, the Town of Carrboro, and Orange <br /> 6 County, which will help collect data about alternative approaches to the project. He said he <br /> 7 believes neither of these projects will receive funding in this round. <br /> 8 Commissioner Price asked Commissioner Jacobs if the DCHC MPO had discussed this <br /> 9 topic recently. <br /> 10 Commissioner Jacobs said not to his knowledge. <br /> 11 <br /> 12 A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner Price to <br /> 13 approve the Resolution to Endorse Orange County's Priority Transportation Project Lists for the <br /> 14 Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization, the Triangle Area Rural <br /> 15 Planning Organization, and the Burlington-Graham Metropolitan Planning Organization <br /> 16 <br /> 17 VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Pelissier absent) <br /> 18 <br /> 19 h. Rogers Road Sewer Project—Granting Easement across County-Owned <br /> 20 Property (Animal Services) <br /> 21 The Board considered granting an easement for sewer installation and maintenance on <br /> 22 County-owned property that will be part of the Rogers Road Sewer Project and authorize the <br /> 23 Chair to sign. <br /> 24 Commissioner Jacobs said he did not want to assume that granting the easement is the <br /> 25 most environmentally responsible decision. He said he wanted to ask if this is true and also to <br /> 26 request that the environmental impacts of decisions be added to the agenda abstract going <br /> 27 forward. <br /> 28 Craig Benedict, Orange County Planning and Inspections Director, said environmental <br /> 29 concerns were seriously considered. He said the County would be granting an easement to <br /> 30 itself which would ultimately be transferred to the Orange Water and Sewer Authority <br /> 31 (OWASA). <br /> 32 Commissioner Jacobs asked if this easement is near a road. <br /> 33 Craig Benedict said there is an easement for a roadway and this would be adjacent to <br /> 34 the landfill to the west. <br /> 35 Commissioner Dorosin said asked if all of these easements are being given to Orange <br /> 36 County, will we in turn give them to OWASA. <br /> 37 John Roberts said this is the plan. <br /> 38 Commissioner Rich asked if the County is taking the lead in the process even though <br /> 39 the easements are going through Carrboro property. <br /> 40 John Roberts said the purpose of the easement is to create a right of entry to maintain <br /> 41 the line and all the easements should have Orange County as the grantee. He said without <br /> 42 such rights of entry, the County would be trespassing when maintaining the sewer lines. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Rich for the <br /> 45 Board to grant an easement for sewer installation and maintenance on County-owned property <br /> 46 that will be part of the Rogers Road Sewer Project and authorized the Chair to sign. <br /> 47 <br /> 48 VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Pelissier absent) <br /> 49 <br /> 50 <br />