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18 <br /> 1 Jeff Thompson, Director of Asset Management Services, said this allows for a more <br /> 2 beneficial packet of entitlements, as the Sportsplex Field House is developed. He said parking, <br /> 3 set backs, and stormwater management requirements are easier to deal with on single parcel <br /> 4 of land, as opposed to a parcel that is split between the Town of Hillsborough and the County. <br /> 5 Commissioner Jacobs asked if the project would be dependent on Hillsborough and if <br /> 6 water rates would be affected. <br /> 7 Michael Harvey, Orange County Planning, said there is a greater opportunity for the <br /> 8 County to make use of existing infrastructure at the Sportsplex complex; whereas, if it were in <br /> 9 the County's planning jurisdiction as an independent lot, set backs, parking, and stormwater <br /> 10 would have to be contained within the County's lot. He said it would allow for cost savings. <br /> 11 Jeff Thompson said the water rate will be Hillsborough water rates. <br /> 12 Commissioner Jacobs said being in the Town would provide about a 50% savings which <br /> 13 could be a cost saving measure. <br /> 14 Commissioner Price asked if the there is a process to determine the design, if Orange <br /> 15 County is not doing so. <br /> 16 Jeff Thompson said there will be a public hearing process this summer with Hillsborough <br /> 17 and Hillsborough will vote on the annexation in the fall. He said it will then follow the planning <br /> 18 process as though it were Hillsborough property. <br /> 19 Commissioner Price asked if Orange County will have to pay the permitting fees. <br /> 20 Jeff Thompson said yes. <br /> 21 Commissioner Price said she is concerned about properties surrounding the area and <br /> 22 asked if these property owners will be invited to the public hearings. <br /> 23 Jeff Thompson said yes. <br /> 24 <br /> 25 A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner Burroughs <br /> 26 to approve the voluntary annexation of the Sportsplex Field House site to the Town of <br /> 27 Hillsborough and, upon County Attorney review, authorized the Chair to sign the petition and <br /> 28 related documentation. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Pelissier absent) <br /> 31 <br /> 32 g. Resolution to Endorse Orange County's Priority Transportation Project Lists <br /> 33 for the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization, the Triangle <br /> 34 Area Rural Planning Organization, and the Burlington-Graham Metropolitan Planning <br /> 35 Organization <br /> 36 The Board considered a resolution endorsing three (3) priority lists of transportation <br /> 37 projects that are considered for inclusion in the 2018-2027 Statewide Transportation <br /> 38 Improvement Program (STIP) within: <br /> 39 • the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO), <br /> 40 • the Triangle Area Rural Planning Organization (TARPO), and <br /> 41 • the Burlington-Graham Metropolitan Planning Organization (B-G MPO) planning areas, <br /> 42 respectively. <br /> 43 Seven (7) DCHC MPO projects and three (3) TARPO projects that were initially endorsed by <br /> 44 the BOCC at the June 2, 2015 meeting are not carried forward (All B-G MPO projects are <br /> 45 included in the resolution.). <br /> 46 <br /> 47 Commissioner Price referred to Highway 54 and asked if the term widening is still being <br /> 48 used to describe this project of going from two to four lanes. <br /> 49 Max Bushell, Orange County Transportation Planner, said 65% of the widening projects <br /> 50 are in the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO) and <br />