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9 <br /> 1 counted 29 and denied 331. There were 135 Provisionals cast due to no acceptable photo ID. <br /> 2 Of the 135, 108 were denied. 27 voters brought acceptable photo ID to the BOE office and <br /> 3 their provisional ballots were counted. 22 Provisionals were cast indicating a "reasonable <br /> 4 impediment" that was counted. Provisionals were denied due to no record of registration, no <br /> 5 acceptable ID, previously removed and voter moved out of county more than 30 days. <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Data was uploaded from the electronic poll books to complete voter history entry in record time. <br /> 8 Voter history was completed by the end of the day after the election with the cooperation of <br /> 9 staff to work late to get it done. Entry time has been reduced by 3 to 4 days with the <br /> 10 implementation of electronic poll books. <br /> 11 <br /> 12 Board and staff conducted the sample audit count for two precincts as directed by the State <br /> 13 Board of Elections to ensure machine accuracy. The ending hand-eye counts were the same as <br /> 14 the Election Day machine count. The Board certified the official results on March 22. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 We have until May 13 to report our absentee results by precinct. With the purchase of the new <br /> 17 high speed counter we completed this task and reported all 21,070 absentee ballot results by <br /> 18 precinct on March 31. Run time has greatly improved using the DS850. We also used the <br /> 19 DS850 to separate and record all the write-ins on Election Day. This task was previously <br /> 20 completed by precinct officials on election night. Eliminating this challenging task from their <br /> 21 various duties has been most appreciated by our officials. There were 2,368 write-ins sorted <br /> 22 and reported by staff the day after the election. <br /> 23 <br /> 24 The acquisition of electronic poll books and updated voting equipment has greatly enhanced <br /> 25 the service we provide to the voters of Orange County. The Elections Board would not have <br /> 26 been able to achieve our goal to provide the best possible service to Orange County residents <br /> 27 without the continued support of the Orange County Board of County Commissioners. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Tracy Reams introduced members of her Board. <br /> 30 Commissioner Jacobs thanked her for the report. He said the numbers on the <br /> 31 provisional ballots confused him. He referred to page 4, where it states: <br /> 32 <br /> 33 "A total of 483 Provisional ballots were cast. The Elections Board fully counted 123, partially <br /> 34 counted 29 and denied 331. There were 135 Provisionals cast due to no acceptable photo ID. <br /> 35 Of the 135, 108 were denied. 27 voters brought acceptable photo ID to the BOE office and their <br /> 36 provisional ballots were counted. 22 Provisionals were cast indicating a "reasonable <br /> 37 impediment" that was counted. <br /> 38 <br /> 39 Tracy Reams said 123 were fully counted and 29 were partially counted. She said the <br /> 40 partially counted were voters that either voted outside of their party or precinct. <br /> 41 Tracy Reams said the report shows that 135 people did not have an acceptable ID with <br /> 42 them and were given the opportunity to bring it to back. She said 27 came back with an <br /> 43 acceptable ID, 128 did not. <br /> 44 Tracy Reams said of those 108, there were 15 people who had a driver's license on file. <br /> 45 She said 24 of these 108 were over the age of 22. She said it was assumed that the majority of <br /> 46 them were students, due to the voting location, and did not have a North Carolina driver's <br /> 47 license. <br /> 48 Commissioner Jacobs asked if there was a way to follow up with these voters to provide <br /> 49 information for next time. <br />