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3 <br />strong commitment to comprehensive planning. Clarion's qualifications are provided in <br />Attachment 3. <br />Attachment 4, "Process Update and Next Steps", has been provided as a courtesy to update the <br />Board on other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan Update. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The costs of services as outlined in the contract are not to exceed <br />$50,000. In this year's 2007-08 non-departmental budget request, staff has added this <br />Consultant Services budget item in accordance with BOCC direction to keep the <br />Comprehensive Plan project within the adopted schedule. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board approve the attached <br />contract with Clarion Associates to provide services during Phase II of the Comprehensive Plan <br />Update process and authorize the Chair to sign the contract. <br />