Orange County NC Website
20 <br />Miscellaneous Stipulations <br />58. Single-family Lots on Ro erg s Road: That prior to relocation of the single-family homes <br />on the Homestead portion of the project to the Rogers Road site, an administrative minor <br />subdivision application shall be reviewed and approved by the Town Manager and a plat <br />recorded creating the.two lots. <br />59. Sinule-family Homes on Rogers Road: That prior to the relocation of the existing single- <br />family homes on the Homestead portion of the project to the newly created Rogers Road . <br />Lots, aSingle-Family Zoning Compliance Permit shall be obtained for each newly created <br />lot. <br />60. Construction Management Plan: That a Construction Management Plan be <br />the Town Manager prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit. That the <br />construction management plan: 1) indicate how construction vehicle traffic will be <br />managed, 2) identify parking areas for on-site construction workers including plans to <br />prohibit parking in residential neighborhoods, 3) indicate construction staging and <br />material storage areas, and 4) identify construction trailers and other associated temporary <br />construction management structures. <br />61. Traffic and Pedestrian Control Plan: That a Traffic and Pedestrian Control Plan be <br />reviewed and approved by the Town Manager prior to the issuance of a Zoning <br />Compliance Permit. That the plans include a Work Zone Traffic Control Plan for <br />movement of xotorized and non-motorized. vehicles on any public street that will be <br />disrupted during construction. The plan must include a pedestrian management plan <br />indicating how pedestrian movements, including pedestrians using the existing transit <br />system, will be~safely maintained. At least 5 working days prior to any proposed lane or <br />street closure the applicant must apply to the Town Manager for a lane or street closure <br />permit. ~ . <br />62. Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance: That the applicant provide the necessary <br />Certificate of Adequacy of Public Schools prior to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance <br />Permit. <br />63. Recombination Plat: That an administrative recombination application shall be reviewed <br />and approved by the Town Manager and 'an adrninistrative minor subdivision application <br />shall be reviewed and approved by the Town Manager creating the new townhouse lots. <br />The recombination plat and townhouse development shall be recorded prior to issuance of <br />certificates of occupancy for each phase of development. <br />64. Joint Planning Area: That prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit, that the <br />applicant provide a clerk certified copy of the County Commissioners rezoning <br />resolution. <br />