Orange County NC Website
15 <br />additional care during review to ensure that the proposed lighting plan will minimize 1} <br />upward light pollution and 2) offsite spillage of light, prior to issuance of a Zoning <br />Compliance Permit. <br />Stiuulations Related to Environmental Issues <br />Enera l~Efficiency: That the applicant shall incorporate the `Energy Star" energy <br />efficiency program into the plans for each home built at the "Homestead Twins" <br />development. Each home will be inspected by a qualified engineer who shall determine <br />that each home exceeds the 2007 standards set by the International Energy Conservation <br />Code by no less than 20%. Following each inspection, the engineer shall submit the <br />results of the inspection to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for certification. <br />Each home must obtain the EPA certification. Once certification is granted, each home <br />will qualify for a reduction in their Duke Energy bill. <br />NC GreenPower: That all community facilities that are owned by the homeowners <br />association and receive electric power from Duke Energy. shall participate in the NC <br />GreenPower program administered by Duke Energy. That each month, the association shall <br />contribute a minimum of twenty blocks (100-kilowatt hours per block) to the NC <br />GreenPower program. That during the sales process, the applicant will encourage each new <br />homeowner to sign up for the monthly contribution of one block to the NC GreenPower <br />program by providing each homeowner with information about NC GreenPower <br />28. Energy Management Plan:. That the applicant shall . include an Energy Management <br />Plan in the Special Use Permit Final Plan application, to include consideration of <br />utilizing sustainable energy, currently defined as solar, wind, biofuels, and hydroelectric <br />power, in the proposed development. That the Energy Management Plan would include <br />consideration of the purchase of carbon offset credits and green power production <br />through coordination with the NC GreenPower~program. That the Energy Management <br />Plan shall provide for an acceptable level of increased energy efficiency that ensures <br />indoor air quality and adequate access to natural lighting, and allows for the proposed <br />utilization of sustainable energy in a development. <br />29. Wetlands Location: That the applicant shall submits Final Plans which show the <br />location of State or federally regulated wetlands ~on the site.. That any proposed <br />disturbance of wetlands shall demonstrate compliance with applicable State and federal <br />regulations. That prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit, the development <br />shall meet North Carolina Division. of Water Quality 401 and 404 Certification <br />requirements for any proposed wetland and/or stream impacts. <br />30. Stormwater Management Plan: That prior to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit, <br />the applicant shall submit a Stonnwater Management Plan for review and approval by the <br />Town Manager. <br />The plan shall be based on the 1-year, 2-year, and 25-year frequency, 24-hour duration <br />storms; where the post-development stormwater run-off rate shall not exceed the pre- <br />