Orange County NC Website
12 <br />design and construction must be approved by the Town and North Carolina <br />Department of Transportation prior to the issuance of Zoning Compliance Permit. <br />The median must be constructed prior to the opening of the site entrance on <br />Homestead Road. . <br />c. ~ That a S foot wide sidewalk be constructed along the site frontage. That if determined <br />necessary, portion of this frontage may include curb and gutter in order to <br />accommodate a sidewalk. The final design shall be reviewed and approved by the <br />Town Manager prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit. <br />6. Homestead Road/Seawell School Road intersection: That the applicant shall upgrade the <br />traffic signal at Homestead Road and Seawell School Road intersection with pedestrian <br />amenities and bicycle=activated loops if approved by the N.C. Department of <br />Transportation, prior to the issuance of first Certificate of Occupancy. <br />7. Seawell School Road Ri t-of-way: That the applicant shall dedicate half of an 80-foot <br />right-of--way for the Seawell School Road frontage. <br />8. Seawell School Road Improvements: That the applicant shall improve the Seawell School <br />Road frontage to provide two 12-foot wide travel lanes plus a 12-foot wide left turn Lane, <br />and 4-foot wide bicycle lane,, curb and gutter, and a 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk to be <br />located a minimum of 3 feet behind the curb along the site frontage. <br />9. Rogers Road Right-of--way: That the applicant shall dedicate half of a 70-foot right-of- <br />way for the Rogers Road frontage. . <br />10. Ro eg rs Road Improvements: That the applicant shall improve the Rogers Road frontage <br />to widen the northbound travel lane to 16 feet to accommodate a bicycle lane and a 5-foot <br />wide concrete sidewalk to be located behind the ditch. <br />11. North Carolina Department of Transportation Approvals: That plans for improvements to <br />State-maintained roads be approved by North Carolina Department of Transportation <br />prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit for the subject phase of development. <br />12. Dedication of Right-of--Way: That prior to the issuance of Zoning Compliance Permit, <br />the Town Manager shall review and approve a plat dedicating public right-of--way along <br />Homestead Road;' Seawell School Road and Rogers Road. That a copy of the recorded <br />plat shall be provided prior to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit. <br />13. Internal Streets: The internal street network ~sha11 be a public street, built to Town <br />standards. Prior to a Zoning Compliance Permit the design for the internal streets shall be <br />submitted ,for approval by the Town Manager. That prior to the issuance of a Zoning <br />Compliance Permit, the Town Manager shall review and approve a plat dedicating the <br />public right-of--way for the internal streets. That the plat shall be recorded prior to the <br />issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit. <br />