Orange County NC Website
Appendix E Page 27 of 32 <br />to the Contract Between Orange Gounty and The Resolute Building Company for <br />Central Orange Senior Center Addition & 5portsPiex Renovation <br />. ~t~L~1`~ cosC addttt~n Ana S~ssr~sPtex t~t,a,r~~~ ~ t;i~iti p~~~as~i <br /> P,TfipgS3t C;c'it#r#'`t~t <br />di~l~~Ar~ 4: l1lEasant'y <br />~. fi!I Precast C~ant~tt; has bean dedrtt~d frarn the scr}pe ~f v~ork and repEa~ wlfh thq SEte <br />brick. if r$quested by the ~Jwrter, tEae l~recssk C€~ncreta rrt~y be added tc #tte t;~i!`s scope <br />of ~ucrk rater. <br />~. pert cif : VI< C~pt~ar'ts tatEen, ~vz capper flasfiing has been deleted from thfr Scapa t~f <br />work and r~epla~:e rntltl3 PVC fl~shing. <br />~. ~ ~° t7ia~t wall her been adds ~, the ~axierlor wail in the les~aar rooms at the ics rink (see <br />~lE C~ptiorts taken. <br />©nrisia~n ~: Meal <br />7. The t~ropase! includes ~tnactcrral Sfieel erns#r~aatlon as 3ndfcated t}y fi'~ d~rcurr~+er. Vide <br />t=longs L~amr at fibs i"I'U`~G ur~tt~s E~aae been replaced ~nr~h ber~t~lsts {fee ~f'E +~ptiana <br />taken}. ltiForrnafiltt~~i w+'il need tt71»te prc~artdedd by fine strut'al t~n~ineer for fifty ptacernent of <br />the I~U~C omits anti weights ass~rclated with titese units g"rv~ett fie fibs ~r~is# supplier t~ be <br />ir4ccrporated in#tr the ~alst ~iesc~n. <br />~i*~isE~tr "~: 'Chern~al ~ Oll4tet~lre l~r+ectlr>`rx <br />fi . The Propcrs;~! r~piat~s fht: •~b mil tratlasted stttgEe ply 1/PDI~ ~r~~ng mernbrana as <br />spe~fit:d with tt4~ 1tiXFtite TP4 r+~ttP systetrl ~S Vl* {~p~trrxs tak~:rt~. A!1 Alr~mlr}urn ~p~tgs <br />trove beers deleted arnd r~plar~d wi#~ ~~ ga Kynar €;tra#sd steel flashing artd street r~etats. <br />Ttte new steer stru~rtr Shari be stc~pe~d ~ acl~le+,re draii~~e. <br />~livirlai~ ~: Pita~€sli~s <br /># . The F'rQposat excludes E*nglr-eering rsf meter stud framlrtg Sys#ems as i# is ant3ci{~a#ed thai <br />all errg~earing and rCestgn shalt be provided by the Qwrre~r. <br />~. T~ layers of 5f8" sheetrat~k t'~s been addtrd t~s tFtt, sx#erlr~i~ watt at th2 mezzanine area <br />(SE~e VE ppkie~rtr t~kerta. <br />F~i+visttrrt ~~. ~psciat~as <br />9. Yh~ Prcpasal i~tcludes cxtarlgr ;~lumlr~urn canapiirs and s~tr~cr~ens. The design !;a based <br />tan Per~lchtrae ~ystetns prod~r~ artrf design to rttieet the intent presented in the rtocaments. <br />The frt~l~ fic~ these systettts w~llt be ria#~trel ~r~ccfi~ed ~trarriinurrt es select 'tn they V~ <br />+Ciptian;3. <br />