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Appendix E Page 25 of 32 <br />to the Contract Between Orange County and The Resolute Building Company for <br />Central Orange Senwr Center Adddlon & SportsPlex Renovation <br />~~~~ A Cf3SCl4~ddkitaCY end Spnrt~iex~ertoen~fiMl~ Pmpasal <br />va~xr~onu~rnnmu+r~ccat~nWr Prxf~'osat Criteria <br />9 tD. Thr3 Praptxsai is bas>sd an ilia till and i~ S~Jbcantrsl~rs ~tr+5~rdirt~ it~[ustry st~ridard <br />twelve ('12~ ri't~nth W~+~`t'aiity wt~ sha11 rArn~rtei`tc~ the frrat day €vliowin~ fikar: Sul~start#iat <br />Campietian f?at~e srf title respective aa-eas. <br />91. The Proposal Includes several ~+,l.L4WANCES. Certain allowances artx intended to be <br />fiumish a~td install provide) ail+~wances wtu'Ee atkaers may be irtiended safety far rr~te€ial or <br />labor, Ftefet-to the P'rt~pasal far ittclt.tded allowances. <br />C3T~€ision i; +Canraral Froje~ctCrita <br />-t. The Proposal includes oasts for t'hra Bt..ti9ding P'errnit. <br />~. The Prcp+os~ll includes actsts fir Payrrtertt ar<d F~erfvrrttance t3and;~ tsa be provided by ~e <br />Gh~. <br />3. The Proposal includes Caenerai L~ab~ity Insurance pret~iunns. <br />4. ~e Profosal irtc~udes ~t~'Iders E~islr far that portion of wont included in the. ~n#eadt. It <br />d nisi include ~aA pK fnsurartces for exlsting etn~cktisr~s. <br />~. The Proposal is. bas,~vd an reasonably c3aar and untsbstruct~ use rsf the existing site and <br />facility by the Ctwt and its ~rabccar*=tra~cttrrs fssr waste rei~cval~ rnaterial staging. and <br />canstrtte#ion rrersc~r~nel with xtte ttktPrnate inter~k +af~ rnait~tain9B~ cc~si~~~tion ag~u>~nce~ and <br />tirrte. The Chit ~~ cooperate vvttlt the Uwner so as riot to interfere with a~ngoing business <br />rapet~tions. <br />~_ The Prraposa! is based an rrtateriat manufacturer'$ standard products, tomes, colors, etc. <br />lri gener~ll, ~e l~ropcl'sal it~ss been compiled fYt~tt industry stattdarcts that atCgn witi't #I as <br />axistutg faculty arttt the described din intent: cornrncrnicake~d to dates. <br />7. flaring the derrtalitir~n pltese ul tlile project, artery affl~rt will b~ mane to "sew' ~r{d reuse <br />existing rraateriat l.e„ door hard~raae, Boars, st€~rsfrant etc. Thtx AMP pr~~ae inclr~des raemr <br />rnatrsital as tEte ~h~l cannot gtsarart~kee haw rrtuch enci! wttat wig tae able: tea be n~,tsed. 4nc® <br />th~a rnatsrial is identified, the respective vendors and s~abctart'trac~or-s will be nt~ti~ed ar-ct <br />ptxssfbte savings can be obtained. <br />B. Tt3s Prtslaosal is based tsn file Cl~ anti its St,tbcantractors being afforded the oRprartunity. <br />ttvaugliout ilia cturatlort of tilt: ~-roj~~t, tb ~`+~Vl~l~ .~ti~r~~ttit%cyn~ cif #t~tr€a ar tnatttact$ thtat <br />mayr reas+anably benefit the project. Ail substltutians shaft be suiarru`tted to the cawrter and. <br />desi~er far approval' along with an~+ savings. <br />9_ The F~mposal rand Schedule are based an Miatorically average we~attrer ca~td~ns. Tire <br />Clkta wllf endeavor to nvrtirr~ize cast or firoe Innpt%atians assadated with ak~norn-tal w~eaftaei: <br />'i0. The Proposal has excluded perrnarrent tttiiity usage omits, irrciuding but rto# iEn~it~i to. <br />t~etephone, interrtet, etectric~ty, water, sham, sewer, chilled v~tater arret gases, rite. <br />.sn~ Ik1DCptpiiplE0751Cbb~SdotracpcMaxs+Rich do pNnitrWoMro:~i dxcni4trtSl+tRR~'da E~B.P.tpasd Cisuzfnd:c 2 '-" _#.._ <br />