Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: D01144F3-D6AF-4CFD-AECO-BF14AE3E2751 <br /> 10. If an applicant fails to complete items #9 and #10 in a timely manner, the County has the right to <br /> require all grant funds back from the applicant, and may initiate legal proceedings against the <br /> applicant. <br /> 11. The Subcommittee shall provide annual reports to the Economic Development Department and <br /> the BOCC of the number of grants requested, approved and denied, and a 2-3 page written <br /> analysis of the program's success metrics to date. <br /> 12. Documents, including but not limited to financial statements, business plans, customer and <br /> supplier lists, description of inventory or assets, contractual obligations and existing liabilities, <br /> submitted during the application process shall be treated as confidential information. <br /> OCEDbiga July 2015 <br />