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termination, with no recovery of lost profit or other damages for <br />wrongful termination of contract. in addition, the CMAR shall <br />be paid all of its allowable General Conditions costs to the date <br />of termination, including all termination expenses. Termination <br />expenses are defined as those expenses arising prior, durjng <br />and subsequent to termination that are directly attributable to <br />the termination. In addition,-the CMAR shall be entitled to its <br />full Fixed Fee for any phase of services completed prior to <br />termination, plus a reasonable pro-rata portion of its Fixed Fee <br />for any phase of services not completed at the time of <br />termination, based on the percentage of such incomplete <br />services actually completed prior to the date of termination; <br />provided, however, that if it reasonably appears that the <br />General Conditions costs being incurred by the CMAR would <br />have exceed the not-to-exceed limit on General Conditions <br />costs, then the Owner shall be entitled to reduce the amount of <br />the Fixed Fee payable to the CMAR upon termination by the <br />amount by which the General Conditions would have exceeded <br />the limit on General Conditions costs. After receipt of a notice <br />of termination under Paragraph 9.1, the CMAR shall submit a <br />claim for termination fees and expenses in a form and with <br />certifications as are reasonably required by the Owner. The <br />termination claim shall be submitted promptly, but in any event <br />within sixty days of receipt of a notice of termination unless <br />extended by the Owner. The claim shall be subject to <br />reasonable audit to the same extent as any other request for <br />payment of General Conditions. <br />9.2 Termination for Default <br />This Agreement may be terminated by either party hereto upon <br />seven (7) days written notice should the other party fail <br />substantially to perform in accordance with the terms hereof <br />through no fault of the terminating party or if the Project in <br />whole or substantial part is stopped for a period of one hundred <br />twenty (120) consecutive days under an order of any court or <br />other public authority having jurisdiction or as a result of an act <br />of government. Without in any way limiting the scope of this <br />Paragraph 9.2, the Owner may terminate this Agreement if the <br />CMAR fails to begin or complete the Work within the time <br />specked for completion in this Agreement, or shall perform the <br />Work unsuitably or shall discontinue the prosecution of the <br />Work for five (5) consecutive days, or if the CMAR shall <br />become insolvent, be declared bankrupt, commit any act of <br />bankruptcy or insolvency, allow any final judgment to stand <br />against the CMAR or its affiliated companies unsatisfied for a <br />period of forty-eight (48) hours, make an assignment for the <br />benefd of creditors, or for any other cause whatsoever shall not <br />carry on the Work in an acceptable manner, Termination under <br />this Paragraph 9.2 for failure substantially to perform in <br />accordance with the terms of this Agreement shall be without <br />prejudice to any other right or remedy that the terminating party <br />has under the Agreement or at law. <br />9.2.1 Notice and Time for Cure <br />Neither party to this Agreement may terminate this Agreement <br />without first giving the other party five business days notice of <br />the intent to terminate the Agreement, measured from actual <br />receipt of the notice. If the grounds for termination stated in the <br />written notice are removed or cured within five business days <br />after receipt of notice, the Agreement may not be terminated <br />for default. <br />9.2.2 Pakment to the CMAR <br />In the event of termination pursuant to Paragraph 9.2, the <br />CMAR shall be paid a reasonable pro-rata portion of the <br />Guaranteed Maximum Price, based on the percentage of such <br />incomplete services actually completed prior to the date of <br />termination, less any amount by which the total cost paid by the <br />Owner to complete the Work for which the CMAR is <br />responsible, including Fees and General Conditions, exceeds <br />the Guaranteed Maximum Price. In addition, the Owner may <br />deduct from the final payment to the CMAR any liquidated <br />damages or other damages for which the CMAR is liable under <br />this Agreement. No payment shall be due under this <br />Paragraph until the Project is finally complete and all rights and <br />claims by Contractors for work on the Project have been settled <br />and paid. <br />9.2.3 Assignment of Contracts <br />in the event of termination pursuant 4o Paragraph 9.2, all <br />construction and supply contracts between the CMAR and all <br />Contractors and other suppliers for the Project shall be <br />immediately assignable to the Owner, at the option of the <br />Owner, on the same terms and conditions applicable to the <br />CMAR under those contracts. The CMAR shall obtain the <br />consent of each Contractor and supplier, in their respective <br />contracts with the CMAR, to this assignment. <br />9.3 Additional Termination Provisions <br />in the event of termination under either Paragraph 9.1 or 9.2, <br />the CMAR agrees to: <br />28 <br />