Elements contained in Appendix B. Within thirty (30) days
<br />after execution of this Agreement, the CMAR shall present a
<br />General Conditions cost proposal, including its ftemization of
<br />estimated General Conditions costs and a cash flow schedule
<br />for payments of General Conditions costs over the duration of
<br />the Project. At the time the Guaranteed Maximum Price is
<br />fixed, General Conditions Costs to be included in the
<br />Guaranteed Maximum Price shall be fixed as a lump sum,
<br />based on line item estimates in a tabulation with cost elements
<br />at least as detailed as the cost elements in Appendix B. The
<br />following guidelines shall apply when calculating the lump sum
<br />for General Conditions:
<br /> Unless a schedule of personnel rates are agreed to in
<br />writing in an amendment to the Agreement, field personnel
<br />costs may be reimbursed at direct personnel
<br />expenses/employee costs (direct salary) plus all customary
<br />payroll benefits [including but not limited to FICA, SUTA, FUTA,
<br />401 K, vacation leave, sick leave, holidays, jury duty leave and
<br />bereavement leave] with no employee overhead mark up. The
<br />on-site field staff is limited to full time staff which includes the
<br />project manager, project engineer, field engineer,
<br />superintendent(s) actually furnishing services to the Project,
<br />and field clerical staff, as amended from time to time by
<br />agreement of the parties. Other CMAR positions will be
<br />deemed included in the CMAR Fixed Fee;
<br /> Independent engineers, architects and other
<br />consultants employed by the CMAR and deemed necessary by
<br />the Owner at the reasonable prevailing hourly rates for such
<br />services. Any consultants employed by the CMAR for the
<br />Project must be approved in advance by the Owner prior to
<br />pertorming work.
<br /> Travel Expenses: All travel, by any conveyance,
<br />required for the Project, outside of Orange County.
<br /> Temporary Facilities: Field office(s) with telephone
<br />service and high- speed Internet connections and field office
<br />computers, as needed, for Project tracking purposes. All
<br />software for use on computers (accounting, tracking,
<br />scheduling, word processing, AutoCAD, Project management
<br />etc.), otherwise shall be included in General Conditions. Field
<br />office temporary electric, heating, water, sanitation, and
<br />electronic equipment maintenance and field office operation
<br />costs, e.g., stationary, postage, etc., shall be incurred
<br />judiciously. General Condtions shall include maintenance of an
<br />appropriate shipping and receiving system.
<br /> Plans/Surveys/Permits/Testing: Reproduction of
<br />Construction Documents as needed by the CMAR and
<br />approved in advance by the Owner. Surveyor's services (site
<br />layout, etc.), as required. Apply for and take delivery of all
<br />required permits (fee for permits to be paid directly by Owner
<br />unless otherwise directed by the Owner).
<br /> Safety/Cleanup: Establish and maintain an on-site
<br />safety program throughout the construction phases. (Note: The
<br />cost of home office safety personnel is included in the CMAR
<br />Fee.) Install and maintain temporary facilities, as required:
<br />safety barricades, partitions, ladders, stairs, site fencing,
<br />signage, first aid, traffic control devices, etc. Provide daily site
<br />clean up, trash collection, and removal. Provide and maintain
<br />site security throughout Project construction phases. Provide
<br />site snow removal, as may be required throughout Project
<br />construction phases.
<br /> General: Provide temporary weather and dust
<br />protection (that which must practically remain outside of
<br />contracts) as may be required during construction phases.
<br />Provide Feld personnel pagers, and two-way radio throughout
<br />the construction phases, as applicable. Include travel expenses
<br />for field personnel related to off-site equipment/materials
<br />survey and inspections.
<br /> Insurance/Bond: Provide 100% Performance and
<br />Payment Bonds. Provide liability insurance and provide
<br />builder's risk insurance policy in the amount of the Guaranteed
<br />Maximum Price unless directed otherwise by Owner in
<br />accordance with an OCIP.
<br /> Close-Out/De-Mobilization: Provide final site/facility
<br />clean up. Provide final release of liens for all contracts. Provide
<br />sets of all Contractor as-built drawings. to the Owner and
<br />Designer; one set will be used by the Designer to prepare as-
<br />builtdrawings.
<br />7.4.3 Construction Manager's Accounting Records
<br />Records for the Cost of the Work, the CMAR's personnel
<br />expenses, independent engineer's fees, other consultant's fees
<br />and direct expenses pertaining to the Project shall be
<br />maintained on the basis of generally accepted accounting
<br />practices and shall be available for inspection by the Owner
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