Orange County NC Website
4 <br />1. The project shall consist of the construction of a 125 space park and <br />ride lot. The project is divided into two sections as follows: <br />Section A (DCHC): Orange County -Hillsborough to construct a 125 space park and <br />ride lot and operating assistance for three years for new transit service including two transit <br />shelters and four bicycle racks for transit buses. <br />Section B (TARPO): Orange County -Hillsborough to construct a 125 space park and <br />ride lot operating assistance for three years for new transit service including two transit shelters <br />and four bicycle racks for transit buses. <br />Said project, and the Department's funding participation in the project, shall be restricted to the <br />design engineering and construction as described above. <br />2. Upon execution of this Agreement by the Department, the Department will <br />request Preliminary Engineering authorization from the Federal Highway Administration. The <br />County shall submit a letter of request to the Department's Transportation Planning Branch <br />requesting the Department to set up preliminary engineering funds after receipt of the executed <br />agreement. The Department will proceed with authorizing funds for preliminary engineering to <br />guarantee availability of the funds for project authorization. The Department will notify the <br />County, in writing, once project funds have been authorized and can be expended. The County <br />shall not contract for, or pertorm, any work prior to receipt of written authorization from the <br />Department to proceed. Any work performed, or contracts executed, prior to receipt of written <br />authorization to proceed will be deemed ineligible for reimbursement. <br />3. Upon receipt of written notification to proceed, the County shall prepare the <br />Project Planning Report and the Department will coordinate any required project reviews. The <br />County shall be responsible for preparing and filing with all proper agencies the appropriate <br />planning documents, if required, including notices and applications required to apply for those <br />permits necessary for the project. Copies of approved permits should be forwarded to the <br />Department. <br />-4- <br />