Orange County NC Website
~o <br />Angela Thompson-Rockett <br />Office of the County Clerk <br />August 20, 2007 <br />Angela <br />In its meeting on August 20, the Human Services Advisory Commission voted to <br />recommend the reappointment of the following members. <br />Emily Adams <br />Patty Murray Hill <br />Vivette Jeffries-Logan <br />Megan Morris <br />Michael Owen <br />These individuals are members in good standing who have contributed to the goals of <br />HSAC and met expectations for attendance. An attendance summary sheet is attached. <br />Additionally, the HSAC voted to recommend the following individuals to fill two <br />available "at large" positions. Their volunteer applications are attached. <br />Janine Zanin <br />Megan Ballard <br />HSAC also requests that the Board of County Commissioners officially confirm the <br />following appointments to fill current issue and/or agency-specific positions. These <br />individuals are: <br />Jerry Passmore -representing senior issues (Advisory Board on Aging) <br />Robin Barnhill -representing faith based communities (Orange Congregations in <br />Missions) <br />Thank you for your assistance. Please let me know if you require further information. <br />Gwen Harvey, Assistant County Manager <br />Staff Support, HSAC <br />Corinthia Barber, Assistant to the County Manager <br />Staff Support, HSAC <br />