Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:C67D1OAE-118D-40A9-9F56-DE2D32A3FAF5 <br /> Orange County Historical Museum Workshop Programs: <br /> Since April 2015 OCHM has been participating in Hillsborough's Last Friday Art Walk, We also hold workshops <br /> for Hillsborough Kids'Days(Colonial and Revolutionary War,for example).In Last Friday Art Walk: we have <br /> offered weaving,sewing,cross stitch,landscape painting,felting,and knitting family workshops for a diverse <br /> audience of Last Friday attenders. For Hillsborough Kids'Days,both in conjunction with Anna Currie's weaving <br /> demonstrations and in independent workshops,we have hosted activities in diverse weaving and knitting techniques. <br /> The director taught origami and paper filigree(quilling)in Triangle area schools and summer camps for 10 years. <br /> Integration of the Fairview art project into Orange County Historical Museum's education <br /> programming: <br /> The Fairview art program will tie in closely to museum educational curriculum as it matures. The opportunity to <br /> bring in Orange County artists who can facilitate students' learning in traditional North Carolina/Orange County arts <br /> and crafts(pottery and weaving)and make connections to the Orange County natural world(landscape and botanical <br /> painting)serves a two-fold purpose,one that we believe has significant value for the museum and the Fairview <br /> community. <br /> It underscores OCHM's commitment to serving all residents of residents of Orange County and improving <br /> relationships with those communities who have been primarily from the museum's community base. This program <br /> allows us to bring the history of Orange County to the traditionally underserved community the Fairview <br /> neighborhood represents. <br /> It exposes students to new artistic mediums and techniques. It introduces its participants to a broader perspective of <br /> the community in which they live,and provides an opportunity for them to learn new skills and a new appreciation <br /> for the arts. <br /> The Fairview art program will be significantly improved by receiving grant funding that will allow us to expand our <br /> program to serve more children in the community,and to offer them a broader range of classes taught by community <br /> artists. <br /> The Historical Foundation of Hillsborough&Orange County OCAC Fall Grant 2015 <br />