Orange County NC Website
9 <br /> 1 Commissioner Pelissier said the Lincoln Center will include some community space and <br /> 2 asked if this will be the case in the CHHS project as well. She said having multifunctioning <br /> 3 spaces can allow for greater stretch of the tax payer dollars. <br /> 4 Commissioner Pelissier asked if features, such as geothermal heating, would be <br /> 5 considered with the rebuilding at CHHS. <br /> 6 Todd LoFrese said the district has a high performing building policy that is followed, <br /> 7 within a particular budget. <br /> 8 Todd LoFrese said in regards to community spaces, the BOE has a community use <br /> 9 policy and a rental fee to offset costs. <br /> 10 Commissioner Pelissier said she got the impression that the community does not often <br /> 11 use the schools. <br /> 12 Todd LoFrese said to the contrary, and that some spaces are used on a consistent <br /> 13 basis. <br /> 14 Commissioner Pelissier requested more information be sent to the Board regarding <br /> 15 these matters. <br /> 16 James Barrett said the Lincoln Center needs a good size meeting room to <br /> 17 accommodate public overflow. He said the proposed museum allows for history to look down <br /> 18 on the BOE, as it meets and conducts business. <br /> 19 Commissioner Dorosin asked if there are fees for outside usage and if it is a source of <br /> 20 revenue. <br /> 21 Todd LoFrese said yes, and the rates differ for types of usage, as well as non-profit <br /> 22 versus for profits usage. He said it is a break-even operation and the fees collected go directly <br /> 23 back into school maintenance. <br /> 24 Commissioner Dorosin asked if the mobile units have bathrooms, and if it has been <br /> 25 determined what CHCCS will do with the 32 mobile units being discarded. <br /> 26 Todd LoFrese said that is open for discussion and exploration. <br /> 27 Commissioner Dorosin said perhaps the mobile units with bathrooms could be <br /> 28 converted into some type of affordable housing. <br /> 29 Commissioner Jacobs said he and Todd LoFrese had a conversation years ago <br /> 30 regarding the preservation of the Lincoln Center for historical reasons, and he gave the BOE <br /> 31 credit for recognizing the importance of this. <br /> 32 Commissioner Rich referred to the pre-K students, asking of the 200 to 250 pre-K <br /> 33 students, how many does the County fund and how many are state funded. <br /> 34 Todd LoFrese said exceptional students (EC) must be provided for. <br /> 35 Commissioner Rich asked if most of the students fall under the EC designation. <br /> 36 Todd LoFrese said no. He said there are EC pre—K classes, which are smaller in head <br /> 37 count, perhaps 4-7 students. He said there are also Head Start and NC pre-K students which <br /> 38 comprise the majority of the students. He said there are also tuition-paying students. <br /> 39 Commissioner Rich asked if there is a waiting list. <br /> 40 Tom Forcella said the District is required to offer services for EC students, but there <br /> 41 may be a waiting list for the tuition-paying students. <br /> 42 Todd LoFrese said he thought there were students that would attend if there were open <br /> 43 Head Start slots or available NC pre-k funds. He said EC students are paid for by State and <br /> 44 local funds. <br /> 45 Commissioner Dorosin asked if the pre-K project at the Lincoln Center proceeds, will <br /> 46 there be no more pre-K students at other elementary schools. <br /> 47 Todd LoFrese said 20 classrooms are being designated to keep a pre-K at Frank Porter <br /> 48 Graham Elementary School, since it is a dual language program, and perhaps at Carrboro <br /> 49 Elementary for the same reason. <br />