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12 <br /> Excerpt from April 5'2016 BOCC meeting <br /> decisions. With the Board's approval of the AHSP, staff will bring back to the Board detailed <br /> work plans and metrics in collaboration with community and municipal partners and County <br /> agencies. <br /> The ASHP builds on the analyses, data, community-wide input, findings and strategies in the <br /> Orange County Consolidated Plan and the Analysis of Impediments to fair housing choice <br /> prepared for the Orange County HOME Consortium that is comprised of Orange County and the <br /> Town of Carrboro, Town of Chapel Hill and Town of Hillsborough. The AHSP identifies the <br /> critical need for affordable housing for individuals and households of extremely and very low <br /> income and for population groups with special needs including the homeless, persons with <br /> physical and or mental disabilities and the elderly. <br /> The AHSP reviewed existing affordable housing programs and tools of the County and covers <br /> an assessment of the county's housing stock. This included examining mobile home parks of <br /> the County, a source of affordable housing; publicly owned land and other development <br /> opportunities; and challenges for preserving and increasing the supply of affordable housing <br /> given the County's existing and planned infrastructure and access to transportation, <br /> employment, services and other community assets. <br /> Community meetings and outreach have been planned with nonprofit providers and various <br /> community organizations. This provides an additional opportunity for the public, various <br /> agencies and other interested parties to have further input into the AHSP and comment on the <br /> goals, strategies and actions and recommendations. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he appreciated the target numbers. He asked if 500 of the <br /> targeted housing units are going to be new rental units, which do not currently exist. He asked if <br /> these estimated numbers are starting from scratch or adding to an existing pool on affordable <br /> rental properties. <br /> Audrey Spencer Horsley said the current inventory is a rough estimate, as of now. She <br /> counted units where she knew she was not double counting. She said the goal is to look at <br /> everything that has been funded by Orange County. <br /> Audrey Spencer Horsley said to date there are 560 housing choice vouchers units, and <br /> are not currently maxed out on the number of units where federal <br /> Y assistance could be received. <br /> She said some of the goals are to incentivize the housing choice program, determine how to <br /> bring on more stock, and to help some participants to become homeowners. She said the <br /> maximum number of units is 623. She said there are also 449 low-income, tax credit properties, <br /> 214 rental units and 299 homeowner units assisted through the Home program. <br /> Audrey Spencer Horsley said 177 units were completed through the bond of 1997, and <br /> there is a conservative estimate of 175 units completed through the bond of 2001. She said <br /> there are approximately 2000 assisted units, and 550-600 units on homeowner side. She said <br /> there have also been approximately 400 homeowner urgent repairs. <br /> Audrey Spencer Horsley said it is important to keep an eye on those renting private <br /> housing stock, as some of these can be affordable due to age or necessary updates. She said <br /> there may be owners willing to sell rather than upgrade themselves, which may be a way to <br /> keep renters in their homes. <br /> Audrey Spencer Horsley reviewed a listing of upcoming community meetings. She said <br /> the goal of these meetings is to inform as many members of the community as possible. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if mobile homes were being counted. <br /> Audrey Spencer Horsley said mobile homes are counted in the overall housing stock, <br /> and there is no differentiation between rentals and owned. <br />