Agenda - 09-06-2007-4f
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-06-2007
Agenda - 09-06-2007-4f
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IR <br />Legacy will temporarily curate all artifacts and records resulting from the project pending final curation <br />and will prepare all materials for curation following OSA guidelines. The materials will be provided to the <br />OSA Research Center in Raleigh, North Carolina, for curation within 90 days of acceptance of the final <br />report. <br />Tel a Wk 10 <br />The Orange County ERCD will be informed on a bi- weekly basis as to the progress of the field <br />investigations and reconnaissance. Upon completion of fieldwork, two copies of a Preliminary Field Report <br />will be provided to ERCD in advance of the September 2007 Master Plan Workgroup Meeting. The Draft <br />Final Report will be submitted by October 3, 2007. This report will detail the results of the background <br />research, fieldwork, and laboratory analysis. It will be illustrated with photographs and drawings of <br />archaeological sites and artifacts, as needed, and will conform to the reporting standards outlined in the <br />"Guidelines for Preparation of Archaeological Survey Reports," prepared by OSA. This report will provide <br />information on the number and type of sites found during the survey. A cursory description of each site <br />will be made along with a determination of its eligibility for the NRHP. In addition to the report, <br />archaeological site forms will be completed for each recorded site. North Carolina Cemetery Survey forms <br />will be completed for all cemeteries recorded. An overview of the prehistory and history of the region will <br />be discussed along with specifics as regards to the project land. Following receipt of comments on the <br />Draft Final Report, all comments will be addressed. Four copies of the Final Report will be submitted to <br />ERCD by November 9, 2007. Legacy, in addition, will be prepared to conduct a short presentation (15 -20 <br />minutes) to the Orange County staff working on the park project at the time when the Preliminary Field <br />Report is due. <br />IV. PROJECT SCHEDULE <br />Background research for the project will begin as soon as the Notice to Proceed (NTP) is received. The RFP <br />anticipates that the NTP will be issued after the September 6, 2007, Board of County Commissioner <br />meeting. <br />Following the background research, fieldwork will be performed in as expeditious a manner as possible. <br />Fieldwork will be completed in time to prepare a Preliminary Field Report for the Master Plan Work Group <br />Meeting in September 2007. The Draft Final Report will be submitted by October 3, 2007, and the Final <br />Report will be submitted no later than November 9, 2007. <br />A lump -sum bid is provided for this project (See Attachment A). Cost break -outs are included for the <br />following phases: background research, fieldwork, laboratory work, and reporting. <br />VI. PROJECT TEAM QUALIFICATIONS <br />Legacy is a consulting firm specializing in archaeological research in North Carolina, and is a woman - <br />owned business certified by the North Carolina Department of Administration and the North Carolina <br />Department of Transportation. The company principal is Deborah Joy. Ms. Joy will serve as Project <br />Manager and meets or exceeds the qualifications described in the Secretary of the Interior's Professional <br />Qualifications Standards (48 FR 44738 -9). <br />Legacy was incorporated in September 1997 and is staffed by experienced cultural resource management <br />experts. The Legacy staff has participated in management and supervisory technical roles on numerous <br />archaeological projects. <br />Legacy is exclusively dedicated to archaeological and historical research. Our goal is to provide high <br />quality, professional consulting services that are dependable and cost effective. The company's <br />office /research facility includes research, graphic, archival, library, publication, and administrative areas, <br />as well as laboratory space for artifact storage, preparation, and analysis. <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />
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