Orange County NC Website
a3 <br />with the sweat that dropped from their bodies." They raised plentiful crops and "out of their granary <br />supplied all the adjacent parts." <br />John Lawson's A New Voyage to Carolina; Containing the Exact Description and Natural History of that <br />Country(London, 1709) reports that Adshusheer and Shakori had confederated and that their village <br />(Adshusheer) was located on the Eno River about 14 miles east of the Occaneechi village. According to <br />Lawson, "the houses of the Eno are said to have been different in some respects from those of their <br />neighbors. Instead of building of bark, as did most Virginia and Carolina tribes, they used interwoven <br />branches or canes and plastered them with mud or clay. The form was usually round. Near every house <br />was a small oven - shaped structure in which they stored corn and nuts." <br />III. RESEARCH DESIGN <br />The research design for the proposed project will consist of background research, field investigations, <br />laboratory work, and reporting. A discussion of these tasks follows. <br />A. BACKGROUND RESEARCH <br />The background research will be conducted prior to archaeological excavations and will begin with a <br />thorough review of historical information provided by Orange County. Additional background research of <br />state and local survey data will be conducted and will include the site inventory files held at the North <br />Carolina Office of State Archaeology (OSA) and at the Survey and Planning Branch of the SHPO in Raleigh. <br />Resources will include An Inventory of Cultural, Historical, Recreational Biological, and Geological <br />Significance in the Unincorporated Portions of Orange County, the Historic Preservation Element of the <br />Orange County Comprehensive Plan, and ERCD staff research files. Background research will also include <br />contacting historical researchers who have special knowledge of the area. Any additional research will be <br />conducted as needed. <br />The purpose of the background research is to compile sufficient and appropriate information to <br />understand the cultural context of any cultural resources identified during the survey. <br />B. FIELD INVESTIGATIONS <br />This survey will focus on Areas 1 and 2 that are likely to be disturbed by construction of new facilities. <br />Any concentrations of cultural material noted on the surface will be duly investigated. <br />Shovel tests will be excavated at 30 -meter (m) intervals in areas without surface visibility or in areas <br />where archaeological materials may be deeply buried within the area proposed for facilities construction. <br />Shovel tests will measure approximately 30 centimeter (cm) in diameter and will be excavated to sterile <br />subsoil. All excavated material will be sifted through %4 -inch hardware mesh. The soil color and texture, <br />as well as notes on the stratigraphic relationships of the artifacts, if recovered, will be recorded for all <br />shovel tests. <br />When archaeological materials are encountered, additional Shovel Test Pits (STPs) will be excavated to <br />ascertain site integrity and artifact density, and to gather preliminary information on cultural affiliation <br />and age of site. Testing will be limited to the amount necessary to determine site significance in terms of <br />NRHP - eligibility criteria. Site evaluation will include a controlled surface collection, if surface visibility is <br />good. A sketch map of each site will be produced, and the site and its limits will be entered on the <br />project map. The location of each shovel test will be placed on the site sketch map, and notes will be <br />maintained on the soil profiles and artifact content of each shovel test. Each site will be photographed <br />and general notes will be taken concerning site location and condition. All artifacts recovered will be <br />bagged by site and intra -site provenience. <br />Archaeological sites will be defined as locations that provide physical evidence of a sufficient quantity and <br />association to suggest that information about past human behavior is present. <br />Recommendations on the significance of all sites recorded during this survey will be based on several <br />criteria that have been established for evaluating the NRHP eligibility, as described in 36 CFR 60.4. Sites, <br />Page 3 of 8 <br />