Orange County NC Website
►01 <br />report. The target date for final report submission shall be Friday, November 9, <br />2007. <br />On or before the Project Description and Contract ending date, the Contractor <br />shall submit five (5) printed copies of the final report to the Orange County ERCD <br />and five (5) copies of the final report to the OSA (at least one of which must be <br />unbound). Three of the copies will be forwarded to the National Park Service by <br />the Office of Archives and History. In addition, the Contractor shall submit the <br />report in digital format, on either CD-ROM or computer diskette to the Orange <br />County ERCD and to the OSA. <br />The Final Project Report must be single-spaced and fully paginated. <br />4) Archaeological Sites Forms: <br />Upon completion of the project, the Contractor shall submit to the OSA and the <br />Orange County ERCD copies of completed North Carolina Archaeological Site <br />forms for each site recorded during the project. In addition, the Contractor shall <br />submit updates for previously recorded sites investigated during the project. Site <br />forms should be submitted separate from and not included in the final report. <br />Ill. Cost <br />Consultants submitting a proposal must provide a lump sum bid for the project, with cost <br />break outs cited for the following project components, Background Research (Section-A); <br />Limited Surface and Possible Subsurface Investigation in Potential Construction Areas <br />(Section 11-B); Field Reconnaissance for Remainder of the Park Property (Section II-C); <br />and Reporting (Section [I-D). <br />IV. Proiect Schedule <br />Orange County ERCD will negotiate the exact project schedule with the successful <br />consultant. For purposes of resource planning, however, it may be helpful to know that <br />the successful consultant will need to provide to ERCD a Draft Final Report by October <br />3, 2007, with Final Report submittal on November 9, 2007. <br />V. Notice to Proceed <br />The contractor will not begin any work on the project until issuance of a Notice to <br />Proceed from Orange County. <br />The County anticipates approval of this contract by the Board of County Commissioners <br />on September 6, 2007 and a Notice to Proceed Issued shortly thereafter. <br />VI. Business Interests <br />A. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide proof of insurance purchased from an <br />insurance company authorized to write casualty insurance in the State of North Carolina <br />the following limits of insurance: <br />E-11 <br />