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requests for any amendments to the terms of the project and the projected <br />schedule for completion if different from that defined by this RFP. <br />2) Draft Final Report <br />After completion of artifact processing and artifact analysis, the contractor shall <br />prepare and submit to the OSA and the Orange County ERCD a complete <br />double-spaced draft report summarizing the analysis and results by Friday, <br />October 3, 2007. The contractor shall also, at this time, be prepared to conduct a <br />short presentation (15-20 minutes) to the Orange County staff working on the <br />project and, depending on the findings, to the design committee. <br />The report shall include but not be limited to the following: <br />(a) Abstract: containing summary information on the objectives and results of <br />the project. <br />(b) Introduction: including sponsorship of the project by Orange County, the <br />funding sources (with specific reference to the U.S. Department of the <br />Interior and the North Carolina Office of Archives and History), project <br />personnel, and projects objectives. <br />(c) Background: including a discussion of the background research conducted <br />on the archaeological and historical context of the project, as appropriate. <br />The report shall provide overviews of those portions of prehistory and <br />history that are relevant to the New Hope community, set within the <br />broader context of Orange and Durham counties and the Southeast. The <br />report will also include detailed maps of any former locations of roads, <br />historic structures, and any significant landscape alterations associated <br />with those historic structures. This section should also contain references <br />to any professional or local consultations contributing to the background <br />research. <br />(d) Field and Analytical Methods: including discussions or the research <br />design, and all survey, testing and analytical methods and procedures. <br />(e) Project results: including artifact analysis, discussions of the significant <br />findings of the analyses and site-specific evaluations of research and <br />National Register of Historic Places eligibility. <br />(f) Conclusions, evaluations, and recommendations: including <br />recommendations for future research, data collection and site-specific <br />management and planning issues. <br />The Contractor shall employ official State Archaeological Site number designations for <br />all archaeological site references in the final report and data tables. The Contractor <br />may obtain State Archaeological Site numbers for newly recorded sites prior to <br />submission of site forms by sending a detailed location map (e.g., U.S.G.S. <br />Topographic Map) for each site to the OSA. (See also Final Report, Section 4, below). <br />3) Final Report: <br />Following submission of the draft final report by the Contractor, the OSA shall <br />have thirty (30) days to review the report and communicate all necessary or <br />recommended changes to the Contractor prior to preparation of the final project <br />r M <br />