Orange County NC Website
8 <br />Attachment II <br />Budget <br />Explain what the items are that your agency will spend the funds on and how much it will <br />cost. Make sure your total adds up to $5,000.00. <br />Agency: Orange County Department on Aging <br />$2,300 was rolled over from the last fiscal year as we were unable to purchase a laptop computer. <br />Available funds this fiscal year, including this year's grant of $5,000, is $7,300. <br />Purchase two Lenova laptop computers to be used by the SHIM volunteers in Medicare <br />counseling. They will be wireless so that they can be used in the Seymour Center. Cost: $3,196. <br />Select SHIM volunteer site coordinators who will receive stipends to schedule, supervise, and if <br />necessary, staff the Tuesday afternoon counseling sessions at each of the two Orange County <br />senior centers from October to March; employ a SHIIP-trained individual to complete the <br />required service records and reports. Pay will be Orange County minimum. Cost: $2,920. <br />Volunteer Recognition Luncheon at the Carolina Inn: $400. <br />Supplies: $ 784 <br />Total expenditure: $7,300 ($2,300 rolled over from fiscal year 2006-2007 + $5,000 grant money <br />for fiscal year 2007-2008).