Agenda - 05-05-2016 - 5-g - Resolution to Endorse Orange County’s Priority Transportation Project Lists for the DCHC MPO, TARPO, and B-G MPO
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-05-2016 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-05-2016 - 5-g - Resolution to Endorse Orange County’s Priority Transportation Project Lists for the DCHC MPO, TARPO, and B-G MPO
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Last modified
4/29/2016 9:08:51 AM
Creation date
4/28/2016 4:16:47 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 05-05-2016
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2016
RES-2016-036 Resolution Endorsing Orange County's Prioritized List of Transportation Projects
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Attachment 1: Resolution Endorsing a Prioritized List of Transportation Projects for 5 <br /> Resubmission for State Funding <br /> RES-2016-036 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br /> A RESOLUTION ENDORSING ORANGE COUNTY'S PRIORITIZED LIST OF TRANSPORTATION <br /> PROJECTS FOR CONSIDERATION FOR FUNDING AT THE REGIONAL IMPACTS LEVEL OF <br /> THE 2018—2027 STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM <br /> THE BURLINGTON-GRAHAM AND DURHAM-CHAPEL HILL-CARRBORO METROPOLITAN PLANNING <br /> ORGANIZATIONS (BGMPO AND DCHC MPO)AND THE TRIANGLE AREA RURAL PLANNING <br /> ORGANIZATION (TARPO) <br /> WHEREAS, the North Carolina Board of Transportation (BOT), every two years, prepares a Statewide <br /> Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) that identifies transportation projects to be implemented <br /> over the next ten years with State and Federal funding; and <br /> WHEREAS, the North Carolina BOT solicits input from the public for prioritizing transportation projects <br /> of local and regional importance to be funded at the Regional Impacts level in the FY 2018-2027 <br /> STIP; and <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County gives priority to identified safety needs on existing roads and bridges, to <br /> transportation projects that encourage alternatives to automobile travel, to projects that minimize <br /> adverse impacts on the natural environment and cultural sites, and to those projects that foster <br /> economic development; and <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County strongly encourages the North Carolina Department of Transportation <br /> (NCDOT) to design all highway projects, where appropriate, to accommodate bicycle and pedestrian <br /> traffic to provide alternative means of transportation that may result in reduced automobile traffic and <br /> related air and water impacts; and <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County encourages the NCDOT to design all new or replacement bridges with <br /> sufficient clearance to allow wildlife to cross safely under them, and to allow pedestrian passage along <br /> any existing or planned trail-system connectors; and <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County has outlined its transportation priorities within the BGMPO, TARPO and <br /> DCHC MPO planning areas in attachments to this resolution; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Orange County Board of Commissioners that the <br /> Board endorses the following prioritized list of transportation projects to be resubmitted to the <br /> MPO/RPO organizations and to the State and to ultimately be considered for funding at the Regional <br /> Impacts level in the FY 2018-2027 STIP. <br /> Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO: <br /> 1) I-40/NC-86 Interchange Improvements: Improve interchange at 1-40 and NC 86. <br /> 2) I-85/NC 86 Interchange Improvements: Reconstruct interchange at 1-85 and NC 86. <br /> 3) NC 86 Improvements North of Hillsborough: Widen NC 86 from U.S. 70 Bypass to north of NC <br /> 57 to four (4) lanes with intersection improvements at U.S. 70 Bypass and NC 57. <br /> 4) 1-85 from Mt. Herman Church Road to Durham County Line Widening: Widen one lane in each <br /> direction. <br /> 5) NC 54 and Neville Road Intersection Improvements: Improve the intersection of NC 54 and <br /> Neville Road. <br />
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