Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> Attachment 3: DCHC MPO,TARPO,and B-G MPO Project Priority Recommendations <br /> Current Project Project Priority Submitted Project Project Description <br /> Priority(April 2016) (June 2015) <br /> 1-85/Old NC 86(SR- <br /> 1009-South <br /> Funded 5 Churton Street) Reconstruct interchange at 1-85 and Old NC 86. <br /> Interchange <br /> Improvements <br /> N/A 11 Eubanks Road Bike Construct bicycle lanes on Eubanks Road(SR 1727)from Old NC 86 <br /> Lanes (SR 1009)to NC 86. <br /> Mt.Carmel Church Construct bike lanes and sidewalks from US 15-501 to Bennett <br /> N/A 12 Road Road and bike lanes from Bennett Road to the Chatham County <br /> Bike/Pedestrian <br /> Improvements line. <br /> Construct a sidewalk along the west side of Orange High School <br /> Orange High School Road from Harold Latta Road to U.S.70,construct a sidewalk along <br /> Road/Harold Latta the south side of Harold Latta Road from Cloverfield Drive to <br /> N/A 13 Orange Grove Road, install high visibility crosswalks and in-road <br /> Road Sidewalk signage at school entrances and exits on Orange Grove Road,and <br /> Improvements construct a sidewalk along entrance roads to CW Stanford Middle <br /> School. <br /> Construct a pedestrian bridge over 1-40 alongside Orange Grove <br /> Road (SR 1006), construct a sidewalk along the north side of <br /> Orange Grove Orange Grove Road (SR 1006) from the pedestrian bridge to <br /> N/A 14 Road/1-40 Timbers Drive,construct sidewalks along both sides of New Grady <br /> Pedestrian Bridge Brown School Road with a midblock crossing, and construct a <br /> sidewalk along one side of Oakdale Drive from Cheshire Drive to <br /> Orange Grove Road. <br /> Dairyland Road Widen Dairyland Road (SR 1004/1113/1177) from Union Grove <br /> N/A 15 Paved Shoulders Church Road(SR 1111)to Orange Grove Road(SR 1006)to include <br /> four(4)-foot paved shoulders. <br /> Trail Connection <br /> N/A 16 from English Hill Construct a multi-use path connecting English Hill Lane to <br /> Lane to Buttonwood Drive. <br /> Buttonwood Drive <br /> Trail Connection Construct a multi-use path connecting the southwest corner of <br /> from Patriot's <br /> N/A 17 Pointe to Timbers Patriots Pointe to Timbers Drive to shorten walking distances for <br /> Drive pedestrians. <br />