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14 <br /> and affordable housing stakeholders. He said voters can understand that specific priorities <br /> may need to shift position within the list of the priorities. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Rich, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier to <br /> introduce the two bond orders as presented and to approve the resolution setting the public <br /> hearing on the bond orders for April 19, 2016 with the inclusion of a May 5th public hearing. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> c. Proposed Establishment of Bond Education Committee Including Structure and <br /> Charge <br /> The Board considered establishing a Bond Education Committee that will develop and <br /> assist in disseminating information to voters concerning the November 8, 2016 bond <br /> referendum and consider a proposed charge to, and structure of, that Bond Education <br /> Committee. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if there is a plan for how affordable housing will be <br /> discussed. <br /> Chair McKee said he understood her concern, but asked if there are two separate <br /> committees how will they be coordinated. <br /> Commissioner Rich said perhaps two committees are not needed, but she wanted to <br /> make sure that affordable housing does not get drowned out. <br /> Commissioner Burroughs said there are a disproportionate number of housing <br /> representatives on the committee, as related to the amount of funding, which she deems <br /> acceptable as the community knows less about affordable housing. She said she believes that <br /> one committee can focus on both topics. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if the chair of this committee is known. <br /> Chair McKee said the BOCC will need to decide this. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said this is an education committee, not one for prioritizing the <br /> projects. She said the Board of Commissioners will determine the priorities and this committee <br /> will then create a plan for public education. <br /> Commissioner Price said she would favor one committee. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said the BOCC passed a resolution in the spring and these <br /> conversations need to be tracked. He said the affordable housing discussion may take more <br /> time. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs echoed Commissioner Pelissier's comments stating that <br /> education is different than formulating a plan. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said the affordable housing plan will be coming to the BOCC on <br /> April 5th and that track is moving forward in time for this committee. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said how does the affordable housing plan relate to the housing <br /> providers in the community, the municipality's plans, and taking this to the voters because <br /> historically topic has been a hard sell with the community. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the Housing Director is already scheduled to make a <br /> presentation of this plan to the community. She said the municipalities and the stakeholders <br /> all have a draft copy of the plan. She said several meetings are scheduled to present to the <br /> stakeholders and she will review dates and locations of those meetings. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said in 2001 the committee co-chairs were selected by the Board <br /> of County Commissioners. <br /> Chair McKee said that would be in the Board's purview to decide. <br />