Agenda - 08-30-2007-4
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-30-2007
Agenda - 08-30-2007-4
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<br />A.IIGZIST 30, 2007 UPDATE - Tlaree bills were filed, one ire the Senate and tivo in flee <br />House, wlz.iclz. would have provided fruzdirzg for a Regional Valise Added Agricultural <br />Processing Center^ irz. or^ near Orange Coeerety. Senate Bill 512 arecl House Bill 1100 <br />proposed $1 million irz funding. House Till 413 proposed $2.5 million irz funding. All <br />three bills were referred to Apps^opriatiore Connrzittees and were not approved by the <br />House or^ Senate. <br />Funding for Establishment of a Model Community Historical Documents <br />Preservation Effort/Orange County Heritage Center <br />Discussions during the last several years regarding future library planning for Orange <br />County have inchtded a proposal for the establishment of an Orange County Heritage <br />Center to preserve, catalog, and house historical dociunents that otherwise would be lost <br />due to age/deterioration or misplacement. Orange County requests $112,000 in matching <br />fiords from the General Assembly to establish an Orange County Heritage Center. The <br />Heritage Center would serve as a model for fiiture duplication by other local <br />governments/entities across the state for the preservation of historical documents. A11 of <br />the fiinding would be used for the establishment of and equipment for the Heritage Center <br />and for the actual preservation/digitizing/archiving/cataloging/etc. of historical materials. <br />AUGUST 30, 2007 UPDATE -Staff is not aware Of arty acti0/rS deerlreg the 2007 Nor^tIz <br />Carolina General Assembly session to provide frzrzds, for• this initiative. <br />Transportation Funding For Orange County <br />There are two related transportation fiuiding issues the Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners would like to bring to the attention of ot~r legislative delegation. <br />Right now, Orange County is getting relatively little in funding for transportation, <br />compared with other counties in this region and in the state. Therefore, it would be <br />helpfiil if the coiulty could receive some assistance from ot~r legislative delegation in <br />obtaining snore money for Orange County transportation needs. <br />AUGUST 30, 2007 UPDATE -The General Assembly did not approve arey legislation <br />Heat would increase funding for trarzspor^tatiorz pr^ojects or change the egraitJ~ for^nzula <br />used bar IVCDOT to allocate fizredirzg to NCD®T.Divisiorzs/Counties. The <br />Appropriations Act of 2007 corztirzeres the tr^arzsfer of 1 S% (approximately) of State <br />Highway Trust Frrrzd to the General Fernd, rvleicle redzcces feereding for transportation. <br />House Bill 65, which remained ire House Committee on Finance, rvozcld leave capped <br />the variable wholesale component of the motor fuel tax r^ate at its crzrrent rate. Most of <br />the pr^oceeds frorrz the motor' firels tax are allocated to the Highway Fund aced the <br />Higlz~vay .Trust Frrrzd: Tleis legislation had flee potential to r^esult irz less rrzorzey for^ <br />those transportation funding sources. <br />
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