Orange County NC Website
6 <br />the irnpacts to Solid 1%Vaste Marzagerrzerr.t ~t~ill likely be a potential orae tirtze $3.00 <br />increase irz tipping fees to fund tlae raew cvsts/taa/fees arld a rzzucli trlore corzzplex arr.d <br />derriarzdiug set of solid -vaste facilirJ~ rzrles arad protocols. <br />Firurfly, it is expected that a rrzajor• cvnsequeuce of dais larv is a ficrtlzer dirtzirr.ishirag of <br />available farzdfill capacity?, a futcrre shortage of irz-state Landfill capacity rnaliirag <br />transfer of waste more experasi~~e, forager Izazrliug of wastes, arad a discouragetrterat of <br />partraer•irag/ralultiple jurisdictional local gv~~ernmerat fircilities. <br />Homestead Exemption Revision -Support revision of the Homestead Exemption <br />provisions of the Machiliery Act to 1) provide greater opporttiulities for low-income <br />seniors to remain in their homes and not be displaced due to property tax burdens; 2) <br />eliminate the discriminatory features of the exemption provisions relating to couples; and <br />3) address the ineffectiveness of the exemption provisions in communities where <br />property vahies increase at substantial rates over short periods of time. <br />AUGUST 30, 2007 UPDATE - Tfie General tlsserrcbly r•atifr`ed House Bill 1499 <br />during dais past session. Staff Izas arzalyc:ed the irrzpacts of tlae bill vrz <br />laorraeowraer•s arad playa to s/tare tlae results of the analysis during tlae August 30, <br />2007 Board fvork session. <br />FUNDING RE(,~UESTS <br />Construction and Start-up Funding for a Model Regional Shared Use Value-Added <br />Processing Center <br />Orange County has worked diligently to forge a regional public-private partnership for a <br />potential Model Regional Shared Use Value-Added Processing Center. A Center would <br />enable farmers from the region to meet local market demand for year-round locally- <br />grownproducts. A Center would also be a model for the state as a whole. Four counties <br />(Alamance, Chatham, Durham, and Orange) and two private businesses (Weaver Street <br />Market and Whole Foods) have partnered together and secured the necessary fiulds for a <br />feasibility study, and the partners are moving forward with commissioning that stLtdy. <br />The study will be condl~cted by the Center for Assessment and Research Analyses at <br />Mars Hill College, with lead researcher Smithson Mills, who has expertise in value-added <br />facilities. The sttiidy report, which will take four to six months to complete, will include <br />information on potential site needs for a 1Vlodel Center, potential product lines, marketing <br />opportunities, and numerous other factors. <br />For the 2007 General Assembly session, Orange County, on behalf of its five partners, <br />requests $1.5 million for the construction of a Model Regional Shared Use Value-Added <br />Processing Center and an additional $500,000 for the Center's start-up costs. <br />