Orange County NC Website
The North CaroluZa League of Municipalities <br />Page 15 of 16 <br />Telecommunications Services-Municipal officials spoke loudly and legislators responded on HB 1587 <br />-Local Governn:eut Fair Coz~:petition Act. The bill was designed to keep cities and' counties from <br />providing telecommunications services, such as high-speed broadband service. As originally written, it <br />would have placed significant barriers, including requiring referendum approval before a city could <br />provide communications services such as cable, telephone, electronic voice, data or Internet access. The <br />League dubbed it a "no competition" bill, and municipal officials kept up a steady stream of contacts with <br />legislators. Despite backing and heavy lobbying by major telecommunications companies, the bill was <br />turned into a study with a final report not due until the 2009 session. Although the bill was not enacted <br />and no comprehensive study bill passed, the issue still could be studied by a standing legislative <br />commission. Our thanks to all the municipal officials who responded to our action alerts on this bill. <br />New Towns <br />The General Assembly passed three incorporation bills this session. The incorporation of the Town of <br />Butner in Granville County was effective July 27, 2007. The incorporation of the Town of Eastover in <br />Cumberland County must first be approved under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by the US <br />Department of Justice and, if so approved, is subject to a referendum to be held within 150 days of the <br />approval. The incorporation of the Town of Hampstead in Pender County is subject to a referendum to be <br />held on November 6, 2007. <br />Studies <br />The General Assembly adjourned without enacting a studies bill. Some studies were authorized in <br />individual bills as reported above. The Speaker of the House and the Senate President Pro Tem may <br />choose to appoint select committees to study various issues, and some issues could be taken up by ongoing <br />study commissions such as Revenue Laws and Environmental Review. The League will monitor these <br />studies, provide information, and participate in shaping their recommendations as appropriate. <br />Looking Ahead to 2008 <br />The 2008 Session of the General Assembly (the "short" session) will convene at 12:00 noon on Tuesday, <br />May 13, 2008. As is usually the case in short sessions, matters that maybe considered are limited. The <br />adjournment resolution, SJR 1573 -Adjournzuent Resolution (Res. 2007-68), specifies that the following <br />maybe considered in the 2008 Session: bills directly and primarily affecting the state budget; <br />constitutional amendments; bills introduced in 2007 that passed one chamber and were received in the <br />other in accordance with the rules; recommendations of study commissions and certain other named <br />committees; certified non-controversial local bills submitted by the deadlines noted below; appointments <br />to state boards and commissions; matters authorized by joint resolution passed by atwo-thirds majority of <br />the members present and voting in each chamber; bills primarily affecting any state or local pension or <br />retirement system; and bills to disapprove administrative rules. "Blank bills," those without substantive <br />provisions, are prohibited from introduction in the House. <br />Local bills must be submitted to Legislative Bill Drafting by May 21, 2008, and introduced in the House <br />or filed for introduction in the Senate by May 28, 2008. "Certified non-controversial" means that no <br />public hearing will be required or requested, and the entire legislative delegation representing the local <br />government has approved the local bill for introduction. <br />Final Thoughts <br />The League staff expresses our appreciation to League President Robert Partin, Mayor of Scotland Neclc, <br />for his leadership and assistance during this session. We also thank the other League officers and <br />members of the Board, and the chairs and members of the standing legislative action and technical <br />advisory committees. These municipal officials provided inspiring leadership and tools an active hand in <br />the League's legislative efforts. The core principles they identified and the two-year advocacy agenda they <br />developed are the foundation of the organization's success. And our very special thanks to all municipal <br />officials across the state that supported the League's efforts during this session to obtain our main <br />legislative goals and to defend the interests of municipalities. Once again you heeded our call for your <br />active involvement and, as always, that made all the difference. <br />Our Digest ofMuzzicipal Law will be in two parts again this year. We compiled summaries of important <br />local government cases decided by the state and federal courts in the past year, arranged by subject matter <br />topics. This Digest ofMuzzicipal Law, Part I.• Case Law will be sent to city attorneys, managers and others <br />in August. <br /> 8/28/2007 <br />