Orange County NC Website
The North Caroluza League of Municipalities <br />Page 8 of 16 <br />A modified version of the low-income housing builders' property tax exemption unexpectedly surfaced in <br />the waning hours of the session. After a floor ainendrnent in the Senate, SB 1309 - Fairrfess irz PT <br />valrzes/Liezz ozz Mobile Honze creates a special class of property under the state constitution which is to be <br />appraised as provided. If the real property is subject to restriction on the income eligibility of tenants or on <br />rents that maybe charged under a state or federal program that provides tax incentives, grants, interest <br />subsidies or loans, the effect of rent restrictions and income restrictions on the true value of the property <br />must be taken into account for purposes of valuation. In addition, the value of the tax incentives, grants, <br />interest subsidies, or loans provided to the property must be ignored for purposes of valuation. The bill <br />also provides for reappraisals every four years rather than every eight. The bill passed the Senate and was <br />in House Finance when the session ended. <br />Sales Tax-Please see 2007 Bzfdget Overview above for discussion of the "sales tax swap" and municipal <br />hold harmless provisions. In other legislation affecting sales tax, HB 257- Streamlined Sales Tax <br />Cltar:ges (SL 2007-244) made two definitional changes in state law to comply with the latest amendments <br />to the national Streamlined Sales Tax Agreement. One change is to add a definition of "bundled <br />transaction" and specify how these transactions are to be taxed. The other change is to modify the <br />definition of "sales price" to clarify how third-party discounts, such as a manufacturer's coupon, affect the <br />sales price of an item. The act also makes several other conforming and technical changes in the sales tax <br />laws, as recommended by the Department of Revenue. None of the changes should materially impact <br />local sales tax revenues. <br />General Government <br />Apartment Solid Waste Collection-Companion bills to requires cities and counties to provide a <br />"reasonably equitable" level of service to all single-family and multi-family dwellings did not advance <br />from committee and do not appear to be eligible in the short session. Under HB I229 - Cozzzzty/City Solid <br />Waste Collection and SB II33 - Coruzty/City Solid Waste Collection, if the local government funded the <br />service through the property tax, it could not charge multi-family dwellings any additional fees for services <br />not also charged to single-family dwellings. The League opposed these proposals. <br />Appointment Reporting-Revisions to the requirements for reporting the gender of individuals appointed <br />to boards and commissions clarify which local appointments are subject to the reporting requirement. HB <br />824 - Lzzprove Gender Equity Reporting Statute (SL 2007-167) now specifically lists those local <br />government boards for which a report is necessary. Forms for reporting are available online and are due to <br />the Department of the Secretary of State on or before September 1 each year. Our thanks to Secretary of <br />State Elaine Marshall for her assistance on this matter. <br />Bidding Laws-HB 73 - Iuzprove State Corzstructiorz Process includes a provision that raises the formal <br />bidding threshold on construction or repair projects to $500,000 (previously $300,000). SB 320 - <br />Statewide Certification: of HUBS (SL 2007-392) directs the Secretary of Administration to develop and <br />administer a statewide uniform program for the certification of a historically underutilized business for use <br />by state agencies and local govermnents and create and maintain a database of the businesses certified. It <br />requires state agencies and local governments to use only the historically underutilized businesses listed in <br />the database for minority business purposes in the bidding process. SB 492 -Political <br />Subdivisiozzs/Cozztracts Exeu:ptiorzs (SL 2007-94) exempts from the bidding laws purchases of supplies or <br />equipment from contracts established by the federal government, if the contractor is willing to extend the <br />same or more favorable prices, terms and conditions as under the federal contract. <br />Building Inspections/Permits-Industrial equipment was exempted from the building code in SB 490 - <br />Industrial Mac/finery-Building Code. If an electrical inspector has concerns about the safety of a piece of <br />industrial machinery, the inspector may refer the matter to the OSHA Division of the NC Department of <br />Labor but may not withhold the certificate of occupancy or mandate third-party testing of the machinery. <br />A clarification of the certification of inspectors appears in HB 700 -Standards for Code Er:forceu:eut <br />Officials (SL 2007-120). The act provides that the qualifications board is to issue a standard certificate for <br />each of the following types of building code enforcement officials: building inspector, electrical inspector, <br />mechanical inspector, plumbing inspector, fire inspector. One individual may hold more than one <br />certification but may only practice code enforcement within the inspection area and level described on that <br />individual's certificates. Local governments are authorized to reduce or rebate building permit fees as a <br />means of encouraging sustainable building techniques under SB 581- Brrilrlinrg Permit <br />Reductions/Rebates (SL 2007-381). <br />Construction Plan Review-HB 735 - Coz:strrzctioff Plaz: Review (SL 2007-303) increases the <br />threshold size of public buildings whose plans must be approved by the Commissioner of Insurance. It <br />provides that plans for buildings comprising 20,000 square feet or more for the use of any county, city, or <br />school district must be approved by the Commissioner as to fire safety (was 10,000 square feet). The act <br /> 8/28/2007 <br />