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The Nortll Carolina League of Municipalities <br />Page 6 of 16 <br />development incentive agreements to include a "clawbaclc" of any local funds from a private enterprise if <br />the business fails to meet the job or investment goals in the incentive agreement. SB II96 - <br />Modificafions to Project Development Financing (SL 2007-395) made minor amendments to the <br />requirements for base property values and broadened the uses of tax increment financing/project <br />development fmancing. HB 1761 - Job l~laintenartce ar:d Capital Developrrsent Fruzd was created to <br />provide incentives for companies with 2,000 or more employees that are expected to invest more than <br />$200 million over the next five years. The annual appropriation was set at $3.5 million for up to 10 years. <br />Some bills of interest that were not enacted include: HB 1663 - Cor:frdentiality Agreeutents Void which <br />would have prohibited local elected officials from signing agreements that would prevent them from <br />discussing or disclosing information about specific economic development projects. It was thoroughly <br />debated in the House but was re-referred to House Commerce. SB 91- Errrlar:gered Manufacturing m:d <br />Jobs Act would provide a variety of tax exemptions and eligibility for economic development grants for <br />textile and furniture manufacturing, regardless of the economic "tier" of the county where the <br />manufacturer is located. The earlier iterations of the bill included a property tax exemption that the <br />League opposed. That provision was removed before the bill passed in the Senate, and we appreciate Sen. <br />Jim Jacumin, bill sponsor, for responding to our concerns. The bill remains eligible in the 2008 session. <br />HB 734 - Urbarr Area Revitalization Made U~:iforu: would remove the population threshold of 150,000 <br />to qualify for the urban revitalization projects and special financing authorities in municipal service <br />districts. The bill passed the House and is eligible for consideration in the short session. <br />Exactions/Fee Authority-Legislation that would have the effect of prohibiting cities from imposing <br />regulatory fees passed the Senate towards the end of the session. SB 1180 - No Mor:etary Exaction: for <br />Development would prohibit a city or county from imposing or exacting a tax, fee, or monetary <br />contribution for development, a development permit, or a development agreement, unless "specifically <br />authorized by law." The North Carolina courts have recognized city authority to charge regulatory fees by <br />applying the broad interpretation provisions of G.S. 160A-4, but such fees are not specifically authorized <br />by statute. This bill would have an extremely detrimental effect on municipal planning departments that <br />use fees to offset the costs of their regulatory programs. The League's core principles state that municipal <br />grants of authority should be broadly construed to include supplemental powers reasonably necessary to <br />carry out the municipal functions, as the courts have recognized. The bill remained in the House Finance <br />Committee at adjournment but is eligible in the short session. A related bill, SB 1152 - bnterest on <br />Illegally Levied Exactions (SL 2007-371), was enacted. It provides that if a local government is found to <br />have illegally exacted a tax, fee, or monetary contribution for development that is not specifically <br />authorized by law, the local government must return the tax, fee, or monetary contribution plus interest of <br />6% per annum. The act applies to actions filed on or after its effective date. <br />Infrastructure Funding-As discussed under 2007 Bardget Overview above, cities did not get a share of <br />newly authorized local option sales or land transfer taxes for their infrastructure needs. Bond bills were <br />proposed for a number of infrastructure purposes; including water and sewer, open space land acquisition, <br />affordable housing, and schools, but none of the bills advanced. In the state budget, HB 1473 (SL 2007- <br />323), $100 million was appropriated to the Rural Economic Development Center for water and sewer <br />grants, and $120 million in certificates of participation funding was authorized for acquisition of state park <br />lands, conservation areas, and land for waterfront access. The Clean Water Management Trust Fund was <br />fully funded at $100 million in each fiscal year of the biennium. The budget also allocates funds for <br />certain named water resources development projects, and provides the state match for federal safe drinlting <br />water funds. <br />Local Option Taxes-Although the legislation was not enacted, we thank Rep. Jennifer Weiss for <br />introducing HB 1982 -Local Option: Land Transfer Tax, which would have provided fora 1 % land <br />transfer tax and included a municipal share, and Rep. Mickey Michaux for introducing HB 153 -Local <br />Option: Tax Merttn, providing a menu of local option taxes that could be enacted by cities and counties. <br />Motor Vehicle T ax-HB 1688 -Amend Combined MV Registration and PT System makes changes to <br />the combined motor vehicle registration renewal and property tax collection system that is slated to go into <br />effect in 2010. To respond to concerns of automobile dealers, it establishes a limited registration plate <br />system so that dealers do not collect property tax at the point of sale. The limited plate expires on the last <br />day of the second month following the date of application for the limited registration. The motor vehicle <br />property tax is due when the limited registration plate expires. Currently, 60% of the first month's interest <br />collected on unpaid motor vehicle taxes is transferred to the Combined Motor Vehicle and Registration <br />Account in the Office of the State Treasurer, with the funds to be used to develop an integrated computer <br />system for the combined assessment, billing and collection of property taxes and the issuance of <br />registration plates. The legislation provides that the interest generated by the funds in the account is also <br />credited to the account. Once the integrated computer system is operational, any funds remaining in the <br />account are to be distributed to local governments on a pro rata basis determined by the amount paid into <br />the account by each local government. <br /> 8/28/2007 <br />